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Year 4

Goodbye and good luck!

It's been a pleasure for us to teach your children this year. Each of them has tried their hardest and made us all very proud. Thank you all for your amazing gifts and kind words. We wish you all a great summer and a wonderful Year 5. Feel free to pop past and say hello.


Mr E & Mrs Vallaj.

Term 6

The final one!

Weekly round up 12/07/24


Phew, it's been a while thanks to swimming! This week we've been finishing off our area and perimeter work in Maths. Writing our own version of The BFG in English, Painting like Erin Hanson in Art and puffing and panting our way through jogging in Athletics. 


"I enjoyed Art this week as we looked at Erin Hanson. Erin doesn't make her art look exactly like a photo, to make her art look different she mixes lots of colours and changes them all the time. Her trees might be purple, her grass yellow." ~ Shazara


"This week I enjoyed writing a story in English. Although it was a bit sad since it was our last piece of writing in year 4. Anyway, the story was about our own version of a famous Roald Dahl book... The BFG! It was a super fun and creative bit of writing." ~ Andrew


"I enjoyed peer assessment because I learned a lot from my mistakes and the mistakes of others!" ~ Maisie

An example of Erin Hanson's work

Painting in the style of Erin Hanson

Figuring out the area and perimeter of our play ground and all the things in it.

Learning about running for stamina.

Responding to a bit of a challenge in our 'Loose Parts Play'.

Weekly round up 28/6/24


This week has been dominated by swimming! We all had a great time and all members of staff who've helped out have been impressed by the level of progress made already! We did also manage to learn about area in Maths, go over punctuation and speech punctuation in English and even get on with a little bit of Twine in computing.


"I really loved the swimming lessons because of the teachers and the lessons. This week was great and I really love being in the middle group!" ~ Deborah


"I love swimming because I started off only knowing how to walk through water but now I know how to swim and how to do a backstroke for nearly 5 meters! Overall the teachers are nice and helped me learn a lot!" ~ Cavalli


"This week I enjoyed swimming lessons it was really fun and I learned how to swim, how to float, how to swim on my back and more!" ~ Carolina

Weekly round up 21/06/24


A busy week! Lots of tests, also sports day, also a cricket festival with 700 kids!!!!!


"I liked testing. I think it was real fun and I liked going to the cricket tournament too" ~ Charis, in deference to testing.


"This week I enjoyed when we went to the cricket tournament. We didn't win because of one point but I still loved it and I got to hit the ball really far once! It was the best day ever" ~ Carolina


"I enjoyed cricket, even though we got beaten we made it far." ~ Maisie



Running as fast as we can in athletics

Sports day

Weekly round up 14/06/24


This week was largely dominated by the Year 4 Times table check. So much time was spent getting a last little bit of practice in. We also started to learn about sound by conducting a number of experiments. We looked again at plural possessive apostrophes in English. In PE (thanks to the weather mostly) we learnt about jumping as far as you can and in Computing we learnt about Twine, learning to add animation to our links.


"This week I enjoyed doing the times table test. My whole life I knew that this was coming! I hope I passed!" ~ Alisa


"I really enjoyed the 2 science experiments we did this week. I enjoyed the PE too, even though my legs hurt a little bit from all the jumping!" ~ Lili


"This week I loved Science because I have never ever made telephone cups! I got to keep it too!" ~ Lucca


"This week enjoyed Twine in computing. I got to make my own text game where you choose what happens next. It sure was fun! I hope to go on Twine again next week and make another fun story." ~Andrew

Some of the ways we prepared for our times table test.

Jumping as far as we can

Weekly round up 7/6/24


Apologies for fewer photos than normal this week. 


This week we've revisited many areas in maths and learnt about counting in hundredths. In English we went in depth to learn about all 12 tenses (Well, mostly past and present). In PE we started to learn about athletics and running as fast as we can. In computing we've started using a new bit of software that allows us to program an interactive story (Twine). We also learnt about the Vikings, where they came from and what they were about. 


"I learned in topic Vikings believe that if they die in battle they go to heaven. They call it Valhalla. To me that's really weird!" ~ Cyprian


"I enjoyed computing this week because we did Twine. You can create stories giving people options to choose using [[and]]" ~ Shazara


"I enjoyed computing because we did Twine. I don't like it...... I love it! Twine is when you can type a story and have fun! I love Twine!" ~ Maureen


"Vikings are really cool because we got to write about when we left our country and joined Britain. They came from counties like Finland, Norway and Sweden." ~ Macie

Term 5

Weekly roundup 17/5/24


This week we finished our coordinates work in maths. Finished reading Mouse, Bird, Snake, Wolf in English. Added finishing touches to our computer game in Computing. Made our own strange animals out of natural materials. Learnt how to play, 'Lean on me' on the glockenspiel (or at least, started to learn).


"I enjoyed cricket because I got to do a great hit, but unfortunatly Sahaj caught it! Ahhhh!" ~ Emilia


"I enjoyed when we did English. We were writing about Sue, Harry and Ben. What was even better is that I moved up in English because of the amount of work I did. It was really fun!" ~ Chantelle


"I enjoyed music because we learned how to play 'Lean on me.' It was a bit hard but I enjoyed it." ~ Carolina



Weekly round up for 10/5/24.


A bumper week for updates as it also includes last week. This week we learned about human digestion in science, co-ordinates in maths. Pronouns, determiners and adjectival phrases in English. We decorated our games in Scratch and much more.


"I liked when we did cricket in PE. It was very fun. When my class bounced the ball to me it was very hard to bat. But when the teacher bounced it, it was easier to bat! A few people batted the ball very high!" ~ Chantelle


"I enjoyed English because I loved imagining what I was writing and to see other people enjoying my writing was an amazing feeling." ~ Emilia


"This week I enjoyed and also didn't enjoy science! I didn't enjoy it because it was DISGUSTING. I also enjoyed it because we learned new things about the human body!" ~ Carolina


"I really enjoyed learning co-ordinates in maths, it was really cool and I really liked it. I also liked symmetry!" ~ Charis

Learning what happens to our food as it travels through our body.... Everyone was thrilled to see it! Honest!

Take our cricket game outside

Creating our own sprites that react to how well people play our game.

Weekly round up for 26/04/24.


This week we wrote and performed a number of poems about the animals in our book (Mouse, bird, snake, wolf). We started to look at mirror symmetry in maths. Continued cricket in PE, but this time taking turns bowling. Got serious with our coding in computing, using variables and more complex conditions in Scratch. In DT we made and launched rockets!


"This week I enjoyed DT because we got to learn about lots of fun stuff and build rockets! Mine went quite far!" ~ Shazara 


"This week I enjoyed English because we did odes and my bird ode was quite good and Mr E gave me a golden token. I was quite proud" ~ Carolina


"This week I enjoyed writing poems in English because I learned how use rhythm and syllables in my work. I also learned that I love writing poems and I have a real talent for it!" ~ Emilia


"This week I enjoyed writing poems. We write three poems about a mouse, bird and snake. I barely get to write poems, so I really enjoyed it. The poems also got me confident on reading out loud to people!" ~ Alisa


"I really liked DT because my rocket exploded!" ~ Unknown, but very earnest child

Making and launching rockets

So it turns out that the rockets are really rather quick! Which makes taking a photo of one pretty difficult. This is the closest I got the whole day and it's actually a rocket already falling back down!

...So as before I commissioned the children to draw their version of it. Once again I appreciate the accuracy of my long hair, it's the little details that matter.

Getting more complicated in scratch

5/6s of year 4 has been completed! This term we're going to be reading a very strange book about a world with holes in it (Mouse, bird, snake, wolf). Tackling all things shape and space related in maths. Creating our own computer game in computing. looking at Bauhaus design in DT. Getting our cricket skills up to scratch for our competition and plenty more!

First week back and we're off to a flying start.


"I enjoyed cricket because I learned how an actual game works." ~ Maisie


"I really liked doing cricket because we normally only have one batter but this week we had two, which was really fun! I would also like to talk about 'Bauhaus' which is a style of design. Bauhaus has utility (so it can be used) and it's features are that it's simple, has few different materials and even more..." ~ Aidan


"In DT we learnt about the style of design called 'Bauhaus'. Bauhaus likes to be simple and use plain colours. It is made from a little amount of materials." ~ Shazara


"I learned in maths that any angle above 90 degrees is obtuse and any angle under is acute." ~ Cyprian


"I liked computing because I got to make my own game in scratch. It was really fun because other people could enjoy my game the same way I did. I can't wait to do it next week!!!" ~ Emilia

Making predictions about "mouse bird snake wolf" a book that defies predictions!

Inspired by the lazy gods of our story we decided to lounge around like them and write our own declarations.

Redesigning parts of our class in the style of Bauhaus.

In lieu of any photos from cricket (I was bowling) some children have drawn their own version of events. I appreciate the realistic depiction of my very long hair! Thanks Carrie and Hikmat!

Term 4

Wow, over halfway there. This term we're going to be learning cricket and taking part in a tournament. Cracking on with fractions in maths. Reading a book about a living toy, making art in computing and much much more!

This week we converted fractions into decimals, reached a heartbreaking place in our book about rabbit toys, wrote a decent amount of SPAG and continued to get closer to playing a full game of cricket. Of course we had our history day, a big thanks to all the parents for their hard work, we were really impressed by how many little Romans showed up!


Weekly round up 22/03/24


"I enjoyed Thursday because we got to make a fruit loaf and dress up as Romans." ~ Maureen


"This week I enjoyed DT because we got to bake fruit loaf. My fruit loaf included Raspberries and cherries." ~ Alina


"I enjoyed maths because I learned how to convert fractions into decimals. I worked with Maisie and she helped me understand and in the end I was great at it!" ~ Emilia

Congratulations to Chantelle for winning the progress cup for all her hard work this term!

Outdoor cricket

Cutting and adding the fruit.

The result


After making our fruit loaf we had just enough time to reenact the fighting between Rome and the native Britons. Sadly, only one child arrived as a Celt......

Weekly round up 15/03/24


This week we learnt about bowling in cricket, converted time into 24 hours, wrote a guide in English; Continued to layer and design in computing, used only 1 colour tones to painting in the style of Turner and learnt about the mystery of Sutton Hoo.


"I liked when did 24 hour time. You can't put AM or PM, if you did it would just become 12 hour time. It didn't look easy but it actually is!" ~ Chantelle


"I liked art because I got to paint for the first time! Cricket because it helps me get fit. Computing because I get to be creative." ~ Lucca


"This week I enjoyed history when I had to be a detective and find out who was buried with the ship at Sutton Hoo. I found out that it was King Radwald!" ~ Carolina 

Thanks to all our wonderful parents who came along and took part in Stay and Learn!

Reading the King's breakfast as a class

Still image for this video

Painting with tone

Making posters

Loose parts play.

Weekly round up 8/3/24


This week was assessment week AND world book day, so mainly we did that... Despite this, we still managed to learn about pagan gods. Mixing layers and text in Paint.NET, batting in cricket and even some adventurous play!


"This week I enjoyed wearing my pajamas on world book day. We all got to wear our favorite pajamas to school! We also got to read our favorite books because why not? It was world book day!" ~ Andrew


"This week I enjoyed cricket and topic. In cricket I scored 100 points for my team!!! I was very happy about that! In topic we drew and wrote about gods and goddesses; Eostre = Easter, Frigg is Friday, Wodan = Wednesday, Thor = Thursday, Tiw = Tuesday and Monday is Moonday!" ~ Alisa


"Me, Lili and Carolina built a car, but not a boring car, a cool car!" ~ Maureen


"I liked cricket because we leant about under throwing and batting. My team got over 100 points! The batting was my favorite. This was definitely my favorite cricket lessons! What a great start to assessment week!" ~ Unknown child, but I just loved how it ends.

Reading our poems about being stuck at the bottom of the sea

Pagan gods!

Thanks to the fantastic Mrs Dowsett and Mrs Bunn for joining us this world book day!

Weekly round up 1/3/24


This week we started our cricket lessons, learnt about where the Anglo-Saxons came from and where they settled. In maths we learnt all about converting time and in english we wrote our own fairytales.


"I enjoyed maths because I got to learn how to convert measurements of time and other units. Although I did not understand at the beginning I really got good at it in the end." ~ Emilia


"This week I enjoyed cricket because I learned new thing like bowling. It's a way of throwing. I got to use a bat and hit a ball. The best girl in our class was Carrie and the best boy was Akram!" ~ Alisa


"I liked history because we got to learn about the Anglo-Saxons! Did you know that they ate a dish called pottage, it's like a stew with everything that you could find or hunt in it. A bit like a mystery dish! As a bed you would uses benches which to me sound very uncomfortable! Would you like to live in the Anglo-Saxon period?" ~ Shazara

Starting our cricket journey

Using layers to merge pictures in computing.

Predictions for our new book.

Finding out where towns and cities got their names.

Weekly round up,


"I enjoyed music because we got to sing 'lean on me' (our class song) and also hear famous piano pieces." ~ Emilia


"I enjoyed Paint.NET because I made a cool picture and you can do it at home too!" ~ Mystery child


"I liked History because we learnt about the Anglo-Saxons. Did you know that in 526 there was a battle on mount Bandon! How cool! I'm looking forward to our next lesson! ~ Another mystery child..... I probably need to go over the rules of this again....


"I liked PE because we had to throw and move around!" ~ Alfie

Working out the timeline for Anglo-Saxons

In preparation for cricket we've been working on our throwing and catching.

Term 3

Almost half way there already! In this surprisingly short term we're going to be learning about electricity in science, building bridges in PE. Reading a book all about cats that know kung-fu, making music in computing and much much much (time dependant)! 


So welcome back to year 4!

Making Rondo music in Yu Studio


Akram's strong cat gang.mp3


Alisa's cat gang.mp3


Andrew cat gang.mp3

Carrie cat gang.mp3

cavalli's cat gang music.mp3

Chantelles cat gang.mp3

cyprians cat gang !!!!!.mp3


emilia's fantastic piece.mp3

jack cat music!!!.mp3

Hikmat's glorious rondo piece.mp3

Joes cat gang.mp3


maisie m .mp3

my gloirous alfie song.mp3

Nelicias cat club.mp3

osaos .mp3

Sahaj cat gang .mp3


Weekly round up 2/2/24


This week we visited the library, started to research and learn about the rainforest. In Maths we revisited formal division and in English we wrote and performed poems about bad cats!


"I enjoyed going to the library because I got to pick a book from my favorite author, Jim Smith." ~ Hikmat


"This week I enjoyed when we learned about the rainforest. The rainforest has the emergent layer, the canopy layer, the understory layer and the forest floor. The emergent layer gets the most sun, the canopy is where 90% of the animals live, the understory is still and damp and the forest floor has a lot of dead things!" ~ Carolina


"I liked when we did PE the rules were; be a bridge, have different points of contact, be silent, hold your pose and be at different levels. It was very fun! We had to show what we have been doing and people had to watch us!" ~ Chantelle


"In Maths we did division and we did the bus stop method, like... [Akram has written a decent explanation of the sum 9663/3, which is unfortunately difficult to translate into text.]" ~ Akram



Visiting the library

Researching tropical rainforests

Reading our odes about the characters of Varjak Paw

Hard at work in the gym

Weekly round up 26/01/24


This week we focused on building our pressure alarm in DT, carried on with our human bridges in gymnastics, began learning about fractions in maths and continued reading and writing about magical cats in English. We also took the time to do a little more reading for pleasure.


"I enjoyed DT because we were making something interesting. We made a pressure plate alarm and even thought my partner and me couldn't get ours to work properly I loved it!" ~ Hikmat


"This week we learnt about equivalent fractions. For example 3/9 = 6/18 = 9/27." ~ Chantelle


"I liked writing a book review and I got to talk about my favorite characters in my favorite book!" ~ Maisie


"I liked PE because I was very impressed with Cavalli and Layla's gymnastics! I liked mine because me, Maisie and Cyprian made a little staircase for people!" ~ Alfie



Well done to Chantelle, KS2's Writer of the week! Some amazing effort she's put in lately, well deserved.

More bridge building

Weekly round up 19/1/24


This week we finished up studying electricity in science, broke out the tall bars in gymnastics and learnt how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000.


"This week I enjoyed gymnastics, for the first time we used the equipment. I had so much fun. To be good at gymnastics you need to be still, silent and extend your limbs." ~Alisa


"I enjoyed science because we did a hot task for states of matter and I got to list my knowledge!" ~Shazara


"I loved PE when I went on the bars and I was partnered with Osabo, my friends mentioned our pose!" ~Nelicia


"In science we drew a light circle [circuit]!" ~Maureen

Doing an experiment to figure out what conducts electricity.

Making bridges again, but now we're adding different levels into the mix.

Transposing the music we've written into a DAW.

Weekly round up 12/01/24


"I learned that in gymnastics you have to be silent, steady and extend your arms and legs." ~Cyprian


"I really really enjoyed electricity and making switches. I learned how a circuit works and that it looks like this...[Aidan has drawn a lovely picture of a circuit]" ~Aidan


"This week I learned about the distributive method in maths. This means if the question was 36x4 it would be; (30x4)+(6x4)=, 120 + 24 = 144. I really enjoyed this I definitely will be using it in the future." ~Emilia


"I enjoyed the story 'Petar's song' and I learned that things can go wrong very quickly." ~Maisie

Well done to Andrew for winning the KS2 achievement of the week. Andrew's writing keeps going from strength to strength and has really impressed us, even within the first week back!

Making predictions about our new book, Varjak Paw.

Making our own simple circuits in science.

Making our own switches out of cardboard, a paperclip and some pins.

Learning how to walk, lean, crawl and be a bridge like a gymnast.

Term 2

Wow! Term 2 already, feels like only yesterday that we started. This term we're going to be learning all about Roman Britain in History, states of matter in science, dancing like robots in PE, writing and understanding musical notation in music. Becoming Excel wizards in computing and much much more, featuring a charming book about spiders (it is charming honestly!).


So as always, welcome back to year 4, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

Mr E, Mrs Vallaj

Weekly round up 15/12/23


"I enjoyed Roman shields because we learnt the Testudo formation, whenever a whistle blew we changed formation." ~ Carrie


"I loved the Christmas dinner because it was roast turkey with orange juice. My favourite! I loved the cake and joke in the cracker!" ~ Alfie


"This week I enjoyed writing about using Roman shields. I wrote about testudo (a formation the Romans used) and also wrote about how they took turns fighting at the front. It was really fun!" ~ Andrew

Congratulations to Chantelle, KS2's writer of the week.

Working with a partner, writing and performing our own music

Our Spelling B

Our lovely Xmas Dinner

Our Christmas Sing-a-long. Apologies for how blurry this is.

Surprisingly busy week learning about factors, preparing for our Christmas sing-a-long, preparing for combat on Monday, that sort of thing!


 "This week I enjoyed painting Roman shields, I enjoyed it because we got to use different colours to paint and I just enjoy Art and DT. I had so much fun! On Monday we will use them to fight as Romans did. Oh and Romans used spears to fight mostly, not swords." ~ Alisa


"I love doing the shields, we get to paint and fight on Monday!" ~ Maureen


"I enjoyed English because I learned how to write fronted adverbials in a sentence. For example: After the dog barked, the owner went silent." ~ Emilia


[Special shout out to all the kids who drew wonderful shield designs on the notes they give in here. Sorry I couldn't show them]

From designs to something you can hold in your hands. Roman shields

Playing a game that helps teach us about factor pairs.

Thanks to Trinity for hosting the Trinitas Academy Trust Games. We all had a great time.

Weekly round up 1/12/23


Back to it! We spent this week making sure we were solid with our inverse sums and looking at concurrent multiplication. We've pressed on with Charlotte's web and are currently looking at subordinate clauses in English. In PE dance has had to go on hold while the hall's been used for other things but we've managed to fill that space by building up our general fitness. In History we spoke about Rome's invasion of Britain and Boudicca's rebellion against them.


....Quite a busy week all in all...

"I enjoyed Topic, because we had to decide to join Boudicca or the Romans after they invaded Britain. The Romans gave us so many great things and Boudicca wanted to destroy Rome, it was a hard choice!" ~ Carolina


"I enjoyed music, getting to play my own piece." ~ Nelicia


"This week I enjoyed excerising in PE. I learnt how to find my pulse (my heartbeat) and also I realised how my heart can change! Did you know, according to the government you need to excercise at least 5 minutes a day to keep fit!?" ~ Andrew


"I enjoyed maths because we learned how to multiply 3 numbers using a little part of BODMAS! For example:



4x4=16" ~Emilia

Starting to make a bit of a habit out of this! Well done to Elliott for winning the 'Achievement of the week!!!!!'

Making graphs out of our science data.

Making our compositions longer and preparing to transpose them onto the computer soon

It's that time of year, time to decorate our hoops.

Most of this week has been taken up with testing but we still found time to act out the foundation of Ancient Rome, add more complex interactions into our robot dancing, learn how to model line graphs in Excel, begin to compose use musical notation and even have our wonderful parents come and join us for a bit of reading (and drawing).


"I enjoyed assessment week because I learnt new things and new ways to work things out." ~ Nelicia


"I learnt in maths how to use the inverse method. It means like, 5+50=55 then do it backwards 55-5=50 to see if it still works." ~ Mystery child


"This week I've enjoyed PE. We dance in character as a robot, Maureen and me made a good team!" ~ Carolina

Congratulations to Tola, Chantelle, Jack and Carolina for being the KS2 writers of the week!

Our notation is coming along.

Illustrating a story as we went along. Thanks to all the parents who showed up for this weeks stay and learn.

Retelling the brutal story of Rome's birth. Romulus and Remus

These robot legs were literally made for dancing!

This week we finished off formal addition and subtraction in maths. Wrote a booklet about spiders in English, became a water molecule on an epic journey in science. Danced like broken robots in PE, made bar charts in computing and started to add pitch to our musical notation in.... well.... music.


"I enjoyed science, we made a story about a water molecule. My molecule was called William and he is an ice cube then he gets melted into water. Then he evaporates into water vapor (gas)" ~ Shazara


"I enjoyed doing an information booklet about spiders. It looked like we were actually writing books for children!" ~ Carolina


"I enjoyed English because I got to write spider facts. Did you know the smallest spider in the world is Patu Marplesi [Genuinely impressed that this was spelled correctly! Mr E]!? What a name!" ~ Alina


"I enjoyed excel because I learned how to draw bar charts. Now I know how to do that in the future!" ~ Emilia

Congratulations to Maisie for her wonderful writing this week!

Finding out facts about spiders!

One person plays a broken robot and breaks unison or canon. Can they keep a rhythm and get them going again!?

Turning our musical notation into real music!

I decided to share this because we don't often. This is simply the year 4 kids having a great chat about this week's RRS.

This week we visited our local library, learnt about the water cycle and what causes states to change. Began learning how to write musical notation. Added complex sums in Excel. Danced like broken robots and plenty more!


"This week I enjoyed learning about the water cycle in science. Did you know only 3% of the Earth's water is safe to drink!" ~ Andrew


"I enjoyed music because I learnt that this ♫ is a quaver." ~ Carrie


"I liked the library it was very fun!" ~ Alfie

Congratulations for Elliot for winning KS2's achievement of the week. Well deserved for his brilliant behavior and determination to improve!

Here we all became molecules and moved from state to state. See if you can guess which is which.

Broken robot dancing!

Catching up with a bit of reading at our local library.

Believe it or not, this is the first step of learning how to read music.

"I Liked we we did PE because we got to do monster dances and robot dances and it was really fun. We had to show people our dances and they said good things about our dance." ~ Chantelle 


"I enjoyed watching Cyprian and Andrew dance. I learned that if you want to dance like a robot you should dance stiffly." ~ Maisie


"I enjoyed science, we were learning about solid, liquid and gas." ~ Hikmat

Congratulations to Osabo! KS2 Scientist of the week!

Robots and monsters! Quite the start to our dancing topic!

Performing a song where one half of the class sings and dances, the other plays the music.

Welcome to year 4!

This year we're going to be learning all about rainforests, Romans, Italy, Europe, notation, cricket, swimming, electricity, sound, Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Scratch, excel, gymnastics.... and....and..... so much more! We're really excited to have you here.


If you ever have any questions about our class or homework or anything else really, please feel free to talk to us at the door.



Mr Etheridge-Nunn & Mrs Vallaj

Weekly round up 13/10/23


This week we carried on studying the countries and cities of the Mediterranean. We revisited and polish up our rounding and estimating skills in maths. We did performance poetry in English and exchanged the underground for overground in PE with rope swings. 


"I really enjoyed PE, because I liked the swinging from bench to bench and I helped some other people from my team." ~Aidan


"I liked Topic this week because I got to write a comparison between Spain and Morocco. I got to say where I would rather travel too. I decided Spain." ~Carolina


"I liked Topic this week because I got to compare Morocco and Italy, I love it! Did you know Morocco is actually BIGGER than Italy!? Wow!" ~Alina


"I like revisiting estimating number because I understood it better and got BLUE in my hot task." [Emilia actually included a lovely illustration of estimating on a number line with her comment] ~Emilia

Carry on improvin' in music.

Weekly round up 06/10/23


This week we visited our local library, wriggled through our biggest cave yet, rocked some rounding and practiced our paragraphs. We also improvised the blues in music and researched geography for our computing project.


"I enjoyed RRS and I learnt that article 19 is protection from violence." ~Maisie


"This week I enjoyed caving through a very long tunnel in P.E, even though it made me a bit claustrophobic!" ~Andrew (yes he really did use that word! Mr E)


"I enjoyed going to the library, I took out a Stars Wars book!" ~Carolina.

Congratulations to Andrew for his well earned 'Writer of the week award' which he got for his fantastic work on tourism.

Showing off our bounty of books from the local library!

Improvising the blues

Researching the cities we're planning to visit...... Not in real life of course, some are quite expensive!

Going caving but the caves keep growing!

Weekly round up 29/09/23


This week we looked at different representations of numbers in maths and found estimating on a number line quite tricky. We learnt about plural and possessives in SPAG. Started to work on our project about countries around the Mediterranean Sea, did some more problem solving and teamwork in PE..... And more!


"I enjoyed maths because we learnt how can can show numbers in different ways, like Deynes and Roman numerals." ~ Alina


"I enjoyed learning about shapes in Spanish, now I know a square is 'Cuadrado'" ~ Carrie


"This week I enjoyed topic. In topic we were finding out the capitals and population of places around the Mediterranean. For example, the capital of Albania is Tirana." ~ Alisa


"I enjoyed English because I learned how to use paragraphs so that when I write it's easier to read." ~ Emilia

Spellings for this week can be found on our google classroom. The code to join it is



Who keeps putting this lava floor here!?

Researching countries in Europe.

Weekly 22/09/23


This week we learned about habitats in science, Compared and ordered large numbers in maths. We raced through caves in PE, learnt about prefixes and suffixes in English and started to create our own animations in powerpoint.


"This week I enjoyed spelunking in PE. We had to pull each other through the tunnel! It was very fun and involved a lot of team work." ~ Andrew


"I enjoyed maths because I learned new things and found new symbols ( < > )." ~ Emilia


"I liked Spanish, we learned about shapes and coloured them in." ~ Alfie


"I learned in maths about the hungry crocodile that eats the bigger number, for example 1234 < 4321." ~ Carolina

For the very last time here are the spellings for next week. We now have everyone's details for google classroom so from next week on that's where you'll find them.



Playing a game to improve our speed and confidence when comparing numbers.

Learning a tune that we'll improvise to later

Weekly round up 15/09/23


This week we looked at negative numbers in maths, used our knowledge of adjectives and adverbs to describe a character in English and started sorting animals in science. We also looked at transitions in computing, problem solving in PE, shapes in Spanish and tempo in music. 


Phew, quite a busy week all in all.

Because some of us aren't set up just yet with google classroom I'll put our weekly spellings here for you all. 



"I enjoyed doing English. We were making mean kids who had won a golden ticket using adjectives and adverbs. My kid was a smart bully called "Sara Gluesick" and her parents "Clara Pencil" and "Tom Ruler" ~ Shazara


"I enjoyed maths because I learned how to count down under 0 and even though I didn't understand in the beginning I understood in the end." ~ Emilia


"I enjoyed science because I learned that only mammals have breasts!" ~ Maisie


"I really enjoyed computing because I've learned how to use transitions in powerpoint." ~ Aidan

Congratulations to Cavalli for winning 'Problem solver of the week'

Trying to place a pen as far as we can across a line

Weekly round up 8/9/23


What a busy start to the year. We learnt how to add and take away 1000 from any number. We looking at adjectives and adjectival phrases in English. We learnt all about food chains in science and puzzled our brains with a competition in PE.


"I really liked our PE because we were working together. We were passing a ball over and under each other until the last person who would run to the front. I learnt some good tactics, one of which was to say out loud what action you were doing." ~Osabo


"This week I enjoyed writing about our own chocolate factory. It was lots of fun and I learned a bunch of new words from the thesaurus, I didn't even know what that was!" ~Andrew


"I learned what a producer is. A producer is a plant that collects energy then is eaten by prey, which is then eaten by a predator." ~Cyprian.

Congratulations to our year 4 scientists!

Well done Emilia for winning this weeks 'writer of the week' award.

Year 4 working together to solve a tricky card problem.

Finding out where we are in a food chain.
