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Primary School

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RRS Ambassadors

At Northwood, children from Year 2 to Year 6 represent their class and their school as RRS Ambassadors.


The Ambassadors understand the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and promote it throughout the school. They are also positive role models for promoting The Northwood Way.


They have supported all classes in producing a RRS Charter which ties in with ‘The Northwood Way’, and encourages all children to make good choices, and to take their responsibilities seriously.


The ambassadors hold regular surveys and gather opinions, thoughts and feelings from all pupils so that appropriate changes can be made to improve various situations for all children at Northwood.


Ambassadors organise events to support our local, national and international charities.


The ambassadors also present a weekly RRS assembly to keep the rest of the school fully informed about all the initiatives going on in school, and to ensure that the RRS message is kept high profile.


