School Uniform
Northwood Primary School Uniform
At Northwood, a form of simple and sensible school clothing has been adopted, and we thank parents for supporting our expectations for the uniform.
- Navy blue sweatshirt with school logo or plain navy blue pullover / cardigan
- Light blue shirt / blouse / polo shirt
- Grey trousers / skirt / pinafore
- Plain black or plain white school socks
- Black school shoes (not trainers)
- Grey shorts (for summer wear)
- Blue / white checked dress (for summer wear)
For PE lessons all children need a Northwood logo PE top, navy blue shorts, navy blue jogging bottoms and a pair of plimsolls (trainers are not permitted).
All children need a school bookbag & PE bag (available to buy from the school office). Please note that large bags and backpacks are not permitted at Northwood - we simply do not have the space to store them, and they could pose a hazard in the porches in the event of a fire evacuation. If children bring large bags to school they will have to take them to the school office and parents will be asked to come in and collect them.
The following uniform items can be ordered from the school office: Northwood sweatshirts, PE shorts, PE jogging trousers, PE t-shirts, school bags and school water bottles. The order form can be downloaded from the link at the foot of this page. If you are unable to download it please email your order to the school on Payment should be made via ParentPay - please contact the school office if you are not yet set up with a ParentPay account. Once your payment has been received your order will be sent home with your child.
- Reception class pupils will need a pair of wellie boots.
- Fashion footwear is not permitted - sensible school footwear only. Shoes and boots must be plain black with low heels. Please do not send your child to school in flimsy sling–back shoes or open toed sandals. They are dangerous, especially in the playground. Trainers are also not permitted. In cold or wet weather children may wear wellies to school but they must bring their school shoes to change into.
- Fashion hairstyles are not permitted for either boys or girls. These include dyed hair, beads, braids and hair of extreme contrasting lengths for example, long with shaven sections or shapes shaven into hair. Long hair must be tied back for school and plaited for PE lessons.
- Hair accessories such as hairbands or scrunchies should be small and plain, and in our school colour of navy blue only. Hairbands with flowers or bows attached are not appropriate for school.
- All items of clothing and footwear should have your child’s name in them.
- Children should not wear jewellery on the grounds of health and safety. Small stud earrings only are permitted for children with pierced ears, but these must be taken out for PE lessons.
- Nail varnish is not to be worn. Any child coming to school with nail varnish on will be sent to the school office and asked to remove it.
- Children should bring a warm coat to school unless the weather is particularly warm.