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Modern British Values

Preparing Northwood children for life in Modern Britain


As a Rights Respecting School, Northwood Primary School promotes tolerance and respect for all cultures, faiths and lifestyles. These elements run through our 'Relationship, Sex and Health Education' Curriculum and our 'Northwood Way' RESPECT Tree - indeed all that we do. 


What do ‘British values’ mean?


According to the DfE, ‘fundamental British values’ comprise:

  • democracy
  • the rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith


The Department for Education (DfE) places a duty on EYFS providers, schools, colleges and training providers to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain by developing their understanding of ‘Fundamental British Values’.

British values and Citizenship are highlighted further in the Education Inspection Framework 2024.


We value the importance of the current Ofsted guidance that school:


- develops pupils to become responsible, respectful and active citizens who are able to play their part and become actively involved in public life as adults

- through the curriculum, assemblies, wider opportunities, visits, discussions and literature, develops and deepens pupils’ understanding of the fundamental British values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law, and mutual respect and tolerance


We value the diverse ethnic backgrounds of all pupils and families and undertake a variety of events and lessons to celebrate these. We have found this approach to be enriching for all parties as it teaches tolerance and respect for the differences in our community and the wider world.  Underpinning all this are a range of curriculum topics which have strong links to British History.


Key Stage 1 study the lives of significant historical figures and key events in British History including, Bonfire Night, The Great Fire of London, and British Kings & Queens. 


In Key Stage 2 British History is taught chronologically through Years 3 to 6, including studies of our local area.  Periods studied are The Stone Age to Iron Age, and Roman Britain in Year 3, The Anglo Saxons and Vikings in Year 4, and The Tudors, Victorians and Crime & Punishment in Year 5. In Year 6 they study the First and Second World Wars, including how the borough of Bexley played it's part in the wars.  In each year group the historical and significant figures and their impact on Britain is studied,  as well as significant turning points in British History.   The importance of Black History and it's significant figures is also studied throughout the year.


Each year we celebrate Remembrance Day commemorations where children purchase poppies and a special assembly and two minutes silence is held.  


On a general level, the school undertakes weekly assemblies which uphold traditional values of empathy, respect and tolerance.  We use a variety of materials including some UNICEF materials for school Assemblies.  These values are also taught within formal RE and RSHE lessons and on an informal nature throughout the school days.


Our RE curriculum is planned directly from the new 2021 Bexley Syllabus and is based on key faiths.  This further embeds respect for others which is based on a deeper knowledge and understanding.


Democracy is evident within our school.  All stakeholders have a voice and pupils’ contributions are taken seriously by all adults.  Rights Respecting  Ambassadors from each class gather pupil voice/opinions throughout the year and raise any issues that need to be dealt with.


We have Lunchtime Leaders from Years 3 to year 6.  They collect feedback and meet regularly with the catering company to share the views of all children collected in regular surveys.  Our children are confident in meeting with adults because they know that their opinions and comments are valued and taken seriously.  They have seen things change because of their input.


Our pupils are taught about keeping safe, both physically and in the broader sense of issues like Internet Safety.  Pupils are offered training on a termly basis to ensure that personal safety remains high profile.  Pupils feel safe at Northwood and their parents believe that the school keeps their children safe.  This is evident in all feedback including the parents’ questionnaire, the results of which are published on our website.


Regarding the Rule of Law, pupils understand the importance of rules both in school and in the wider society.  We teach children the reasons behind rules, and they understand that the main purpose of rules is to protect us and to keep us safe.  They also understand that if rules are broken there are consequences.  Our school behaviour code flow chart is a clear example of this.  Adults always discuss with children which aspect of the code has been broken and children understand what the consequence of that action is and why it’s being given.  Part of our Northwood RESPECT Tree represents 'Citizenship' - locally, nationally and globally, and children understand the part they play both individually and as a member of society. 


We also have a house system and an Achievement Book which allows those children who follow the rules to be rewarded for their good choices. All staff are expected to represent 'The Northwood Way' whatever their role within the school. 

We are very proud at Northwood School as we feel our Northwood Way is a true reflection of British Values.



