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Year 4

Welcome to year 4!

Welcome to year 4! This term we're going to be looking at life cycles and habitats in science. Starting to explore other countries in Europe in geography. Working as a team and solving problems in PE, learning how to manipulate images in Paint.NET for computing.... And plenty more I'm sure. 


If you ever have any questions, concerns.... or just want a chat. One of us will always be by the door in the morning and at home time. If that's not convenient then there's our e-mail. 


We look forward to meeting and working with you all,

From myself, Miss Lynn & Mrs Sharrad,


Mr Etheridge-Nunn

Weekly round up 13/09/24


This week we learnt about Prefixes and articles in English. Negative numbers in Maths. Started to look at all the ways we can classify animals in Science and solved problems in PE and we figured out how to write our names in our pupil voice comments. Quite a busy first full week!


"I really enjoyed Spanish. We learned about seasons. Now I know how to say Spring in Spanish." ~ Angel


"This week I really enjoyed maths because I wanted to know negative numbers and now I can figure out that 4-6=-2" ~ Emma


"I like when we did English because we're reading Charlie the Chocolate and there's lots of silly characters." ~ Daniel

Well done to Angel, Meadow and Lewis for winning the sports achievement of the week for their fantastic teamwork.

Congratulations to Viktoria for winning the 'scientist of the week' award!

Creating our own food webs

Weekly round up, 06/09/24 (the very first one!)


This week we actually managed to cram a lot in! From place value and adjectival phrases in maths and English. Some problem solving in PE, Naming the seasons in Spanish and playing a slightly trickier song in music. Mental maths and some spellings. All in the three days we've had so far!


"I like describing Charlie Bucket's house because I love writing so much that I cannot stop!" ~ Kelsie


"I liked mental maths because I like marking other peoples work!" ~ Anonymous child.


"I really like this week, espcially Friday. On Friday we did mental maths, it was very fun. They ask you random questions!" ~Another anonymous child (we need a bit of time to get used to this system, clearly.) 



Congratulations to Daniel for earning the KS2 achievement of the week. Well deserved for the fantastic attitude he's returned to school with.

Solving problems with team-work in PE

Making ourselves into food chains in Science. I was a producer this time, which was rough!

Sorting out what behaviors we think are healthy in a relationship, in RHED.
