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Year 4

Welcome to year 4!

Term 3

Weekly round up 10/1/25


This week we tried to remember everything we learnt before the new year. We learnt short multiplication, made predictions, learnt what makes a gymnast great, played around on excel; figured out who the Anglo-Saxons were and where they came from, and more probably.......


"I live maths because Mr E shows so many methods of how to do things!" ~ Olly (who I did not pay to write this comment [Mr E]


"I liked when we did gymnastics, we made a bridge!" ~ Fayee


"I liked history because we did Anglo-Saxons. I learnt about gods like Woden, Twii and Eostre. Woden is the god of battle and war. Tuesday is named after Twii!" ~ Damilare


"I really loved doing gymnastics and doing multiplication in maths and doing embedded learning earlier today!" ~ AJ [who seems to have enjoyed just the whole week!]





Building bridges in Gymnastics

Wow, halfway there already!


This term year 4 is going to be looking at states of matter, finishing off the Anglo-Saxons and building bridges with themselves (literally) in PE. We're going to be learning excel in computing and carrying on with our operations work in Maths. We're starting a new book, an old classic, 'Charlotte's web'. Really enjoying the year so far. We're happy to have you all back.


Mr E and Mrs Sharrad

Term 2

Welcome back to year 4. Wow, term 2 already! 


This term we're going to be learning about the Romans . Doing lots of music, performing and writing! Even in PE we'll be doing dance! and probably much much more....!


Welcome back, we look forward to seeing you all again.


Weekly round up 13/12/24


Penultimate week of the term!


This week was a bit overshadowed by our sing along (thank you to everyone who came along and made it great!) but we still manage to quickly learn about Ancient Rome and start to learn about Anglo-Saxons. We began looking at factors and factor pairs in maths and continued to get our grammar into better shape in English.


"I really loved learning about daily Anglo-Saxon life!" ~ Austin Jr


"This week I liked learning about Ancient Rome and how strong they were." ~ Daniel


"I liked the Christmas sing along. Year 4 sang 'ding dong merrily on high'!" ~ Meadow


"I love History!" ~ Ilaria


"I liked maths because we did factors and factor pairs. This is what I learnt. Here are some factors of 24: 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24!" ~ Damilare 

Weekly round up 6/12/24


This week we mixed addition and subtraction together so that we never knew what kind fo sum we were going to have to answer. We wrote an expressive poem about naughty children based on Charlie and the Chocolate factory. We created a Rondo piece of music in computing and finally got our Christmas hoops sorted out.


"This week I really liked History because we were learning about the Romans and whether we'd join them or Boudicca. I would've joined Boudicca because she was brave and independent.... But the Romans won the battle in the end." ~ Han


"I liked making Christmas crackers because we could decorate it!" ~ Lawrence


"This week I really liked music because I made a really cool beat!" ~ Emma


Sadly I got too wrapped up in acutally making the crackers that I didn't take any photos!! But here they are all completed.

Some of us reading our poems about naughty kids.

Our music is starting to really come along.

Loose parts play

Weekly round up 29/11/24


Phew, back to normal!


This week we learned about dancing in canon and actually performed some dances we made up ourselves. In science we tested all sorts of material to see if they conducted electricity, composed our own strange music in computing (beginning to add more structure to our work). Started to learn about how to properly use speech marks in English and finally got around to the tricky subject of subtraction in Maths.


"I liked science because we were doing a fun, dangerous [not all that dangerous tbh: Mr E] experiment!" ~ Damilare


"I liked PE because we danced like broken robots and I liked my partners!" ~ Rosie


"I loved singing a lot, it is so much fun!" ~ Ilaria

Performing our dances

Testing all sorts of materials to see if they conduct electricity.

Weekly round up for 22/11/24


....Okay...okay.... I know it's not actually the 22nd today. Apologies for the delay of this post. Due to unforseen circumstances I couldn't update the webpage on Friday. I appreciate everyone being understanding about that.


This (last) week we learnt about formal addition in maths. Standard English in, well, English and carried on our dance and music work in PE and computing. We also went and visited the Totems we created just before the Summer holidays! 

Creating our very own switches for a simple circuit.

Visiting our totems and testing out the play equipment

Learning to dance in canon like broken robots.

Weekly round up 15/11/24


This week we've been carrying on with our music, in both computing and on real instruments. We said goodbye to Roman numerals and started to do 4 digit addition. We looked at adjectives and adverbs in English and started to learn about electricity in science.


We also said goodbye to the wonderful Miss Lynn, who'd like to extend her thanks for all the wonderful gifts and messages.


"I enjoyed maths and I feel like I got it all. I also I like to do the science, I really like to learn about electicity." ~ Lawrence


"I really enjoyed when we learned how to make a smooth beat in YuStudio and we got to play around with the tempo." ~ Daniel


"I enjoyed doing electricity!" ~ Albert

Playing a guessing game with Roman numerals and times tables

This week's loose part play, the cold can't stop us!

Making beats in YuStudio

Weekly round-up


"I liked when we did Roman numerals. For example I=1 and II=2 and III=3. 50 in Roman numerals is L. 100 in Roman numerals is C" ~ Meadow, flexing her Roman numeral knowledge.


"I like Northwood because I like reading for pleasure!" ~ TJ


"This week I really enjoyed music because when Mr E said we were writing music I didn't believe it because it looked so hard. But I did it!" ~ Emma



Making music in computing.

Writing music with our pencils!

Playing and singing music! (Abba by the way, they'll be prepared for any wedding party at this rate)

Welcome to year 4! This term we're going to be looking at life cycles and habitats in science. Starting to explore other countries in Europe in geography. Working as a team and solving problems in PE, learning how to manipulate images in Paint.NET for computing.... And plenty more I'm sure. 


If you ever have any questions, concerns.... or just want a chat. One of us will always be by the door in the morning and at home time. If that's not convenient then there's our e-mail. 


We look forward to meeting and working with you all,

From myself, Miss Lynn & Mrs Sharrad,


Mr Etheridge-Nunn

Weekly round up 18/10/24


This week was mostly occupied by our tests, however we did find time to measure the weather for geography, go caving in PE, create our own advert in computing and more!


"I piked PE because it was really fun. I also liked Computing because we made our own adverts for our own sweets." ~ Pixie


"What I really liked was the arithmetic in maths. I had learned it and got 10 out of 10!" ~ Lawrence

Congratulations to Han and Oliver for their achievement of the week.

Congratulations to Angel for being Problem solver of the week.

Congratulations to Lewis for winning the KS2 sports award this week.

Measuring the temperature, noise level and rainfall in order to compare London to the Amazon rainforest.

Weekly round up 11/10/24


This week we went outside to help make an art map of the local area. Began learning about rounding numbers in maths; Conjunctions and creative writing in English; begin our new geography topic about rainforests and much more!


"I liked going on our field trip because we had fun drawing cows, lakes and towers!" ~ Laurence


"The trip was so fun!" ~ Ilaria


"I really loved learning about Rainforest layers in topic and rounding up to ten in maths." ~ AJ


"I really liked when we did art. I learnt watercolours and how to use a brush pen." ~ Daniel 

Loose parts play on our Hello Yellow day

More team building challenges. This time moving as a team with only three hoops, collecting loot!

Weekly round up 04/10/24


This week we went to the library. Scrambled through tunnels. Learnt about different ways to represent numbers. Started to create our own poster about sweets we've invented and located the Topics on a map.


"This week I enjoyed going to the library, I got a book about the Great Fire of London." ~ Daniel


"I liked doing computing because we were doing Paint.NET and I made a Holy Chocolate!" ~ Zinach


"I Liked PE because we were crawling through tunnels. Even if you won or lost, it was great fun!" ~ Damilare

Congratulations to Emma for winning this week's KS2 achievement of the week for all her hard work and effort.

Congratulations to Lewis for winning the KS2 sports award this week for all his quick thinking and great communication.

Getting through tunnels as a team

Creating an advert for our own sweets

Weekly round up 27/09/24


This week we continued learning about place value by comparing numbers over 1000. The finished off our science topic, continued to revise our times tables. Learnt how to use layers in Paint.NET, tested our own heart rate in PE and began to learn how to play the song we're singing in music.


"I love doing Spanish!" ~ TJ, simple and effective feedback.


"I loved reading Charlie and the chocolate factory and writing 3 sentences using each tense in SPAG, I also liked trying a bit of reading comprehension." ~ AJ


"This week I enjoyed science because the last thing we did was to pretend to be a prey animal [This is in a piece of writing: Mr E] and we got attacked by a predator!" ~ Emma


"I really liked mental maths because it really tested my brain!" ~ Ollie


"On Thursday we did music and it was so fun and nice. We learnt how to play part of 'Lean on me' on the Glockenspiel!" ~ Angel 

Practicing our times tables with loop cards and all sorts of games.

In RHED we learnt about how to disagree with other people. So here we are, disagreeing....

Weekly round up 20/09/24


This week we carried on learning about place value in maths along with working on our times tables. In computing we began learning about how different layers work in Paint.NET. In English we wrote our first poems of the year, some of us even performing them for others. We took to the swings in PE in out team building work and went out searching for little creatures to classify in science.


This weeks spellings are 



Which are always going to be on google classroom but we've put here as some people have reported some issues this week.


"I really liked PE because we were swinging on ropes. The first time I was scared but the second time I got over my fear. It was great fun!" ~ Damilare


"I liked when we did Spanish because I learnt how to say 'lion' and 'elephant' in Spanish. In Spanish lion is león and elephant is elephante." ~ Daniel


"I liked us all logging into to goggle classroom because we can say something to the teacher, even our old teacher Mrs Kidell!" ~ Meadow



Turning place value into a game.

Starting to get into the swing of things.....

Some kids proudly reading their poems out to the class

Learning how to make flow charts to classify creatures in science.

Weekly round up 13/09/24


This week we learnt about Prefixes and articles in English. Negative numbers in Maths. Started to look at all the ways we can classify animals in Science and solved problems in PE and we figured out how to write our names in our pupil voice comments. Quite a busy first full week!


"I really enjoyed Spanish. We learned about seasons. Now I know how to say Spring in Spanish." ~ Angel


"This week I really enjoyed maths because I wanted to know negative numbers and now I can figure out that 4-6=-2" ~ Emma


"I like when we did English because we're reading Charlie the Chocolate and there's lots of silly characters." ~ Daniel

Well done to Angel, Meadow and Lewis for winning the sports achievement of the week for their fantastic teamwork.

Congratulations to Viktoria for winning the 'scientist of the week' award!

Creating our own food webs

Weekly round up, 06/09/24 (the very first one!)


This week we actually managed to cram a lot in! From place value and adjectival phrases in maths and English. Some problem solving in PE, Naming the seasons in Spanish and playing a slightly trickier song in music. Mental maths and some spellings. All in the three days we've had so far!


"I like describing Charlie Bucket's house because I love writing so much that I cannot stop!" ~ Kelsie


"I liked mental maths because I like marking other peoples work!" ~ Anonymous child.


"I really like this week, espcially Friday. On Friday we did mental maths, it was very fun. They ask you random questions!" ~Another anonymous child (we need a bit of time to get used to this system, clearly.) 



Congratulations to Daniel for earning the KS2 achievement of the week. Well deserved for the fantastic attitude he's returned to school with.

Solving problems with team-work in PE

Making ourselves into food chains in Science. I was a producer this time, which was rough!

Sorting out what behaviors we think are healthy in a relationship, in RHED.
