Year 3
Friday 13th September round-up
I do hope that you got a chance to check out all of the photos of activities that we have done this week. The children have thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Here's what they had to say about their learning;
Amelia - You need to use a force to pull a door open and push it closed.
Kayaan - In fairytales most of them have once upon a time.
Nel - We have been using magnets to check if materials are magnetic. I found out that not all metals are magnetic.
Jamie - pushing and pulling are forces.
Harry - I have lots of fun today. (practical activity with magnets)
Congratulations to the following children for:
achieving 100% in their spellings
achieving 100% in their mental maths
Achiever of the Week
Writer of the Week
We have been experimenting with different materials to see which are magnet and which are non-magnetic.
Place value using counters and beads. Can you guess what numbers they made?
Chest passing and making a target for catching.
6th September 2024 - Friday round-up
This week we have been doing lots of art work. We looked at the work of Edvard Munch and Vincent Van Gogh. We also created colour wheels and our own art in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.
Here's what the children had to say about their learning;
Amelia-Joy - I know that Edvard Munch did expressions. His paintings did not have ots of detail and the colours look like they were watered down.
Tishe - I would now recognise the work of Vincent Van Gogh because he used tiny brush strokes.
Hazeemat - A tertiary colour is when you mix a secondary and a primary colour together.
Harry - Red and blue makes purple.
Alan - Edvard Munch's most famous painting is The Scream.
Ryan - Vincent Van Gogh's most famous painting is Sunflowers.
The following children scored 100% in their Mental maths test this week:
Michael O
Drawing in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.
Today we have been painting primary, secondary and tertiary colour wheels.
Welcome to Year 3. We hope you all had a relaxing summer break.
Mrs Vallaj and myself are looking forward to working with your children this year and can't wait to get started. The year 3 curriculum is hectic but exciting with some great topics throughout the year.
The topics that we will be covering for term 1 are;
Science - Magnets and forces
History - Stone Age
Art - Colour mixing, Portraits and back washes
DT - Designing and making a mechanical toy
Computing -
P.E. - Netball
Music - Three Little Birds
English - Fairytales
Maths - Place value
We would very much appreciate that your child completes all homework set including: Reading Eggs, Mathletics, spellings and shared reading. Homework is set on a Friday and is expected to be completed by the following Thursday.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to talk to a member of staff (We are very friendly) and if we can't help you, we will point you in the right direction. If you cannot speak to us in person, please e-mail us at:
Thank you in advance for your support.
Mrs Kiddell