Year 3
Friday round-up 10.01.2025
Welcome to our first round-up of the year. This week we have been studying Mary Anning. We have also continued our work on multiplying and dividing. The children particularly enjoyed composing their own music.
Here's what the children had to say about their week:
Harry: We have been learning to sing Three Little Birds.
Matthew: I enjoyed making a beat loop on Charanga. I used the grime kit and used it when I got home too!
Nel: When Mary Anning was 15 months old, she got struck by lightning and when she was a young woman, she found the first complete dinosaur fossil. She was not recognised for her work because back then women were not as important as men.
Marvellous: When Mary was 12 years old, her father died and she had to hunt for fossils on her own.
Tishe: If you want to know 18 X 10 you can do 10 X 10, which is 100 and then do 8 X 10, which is 80 and then add them together. Or you can write them down in a column and if you are dividing, the digits will move one place to the right. If you are multiplying the digits move one place to the left. The decimal point NEVER moves!
Congratulations to Tishe and Pardah for passing their 3/4 gold in MOS.
Composing our own music
Firstly, we would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year. We hope the year ahead brings you much joy, love and happiness.
Well here we are in Term 3 already! We have some exciting topics to cover:
Science - We are looking at fossilisation and the palaeontologist Mary Anning.
History - Bronze age to Iron age - Skara brae and Stone Henge.
DT - Designing and making a product with mechanical components.
Music - Appraising compositions, Bob Marley, Beethoven, Puccini.
Computing - Making simple 4,4 beats on LMMS.
P.E - Gym - working in unison with a partner.
Maths - multiplication and division (column and bus stop method), money, statistics.
English - The Owl and The Pussycat, instructions.
Thank you for your continued support,
The Year 3 team.
Practicing our division facts
Christmas jumpers and hats
Friday round-up 13th December 2024
Firstly, can I say a big thank you to all the parents that attended the carol concert. I think you will agree when I say, the children were amazing!
We have been working on our 3,4 and 8 times tables and earthquakes this week and the children did really well.
Michael E - If an earthquake is over 7.9 on the Richter Scale, it could do very bad damage. You should go under a piece of strong furniture like a table or your bed.
Elycia - If I am doing my eight times tables, you can do 8 dots and count them to write the next number. If you do 8x4 you need to count the dots 4 times.
Kayaan - We have been learning to divide. So, if you have 15 divided by three you can count in threes until you get to the big number.
Matthew - Because we have been learning our times tables over and over, I now know my 3 and 4 times tables.
Eli - We sung Feliz Navidad and Rocking Around The Christmas Tree. I liked pretending to play the saxophone in our second song.
Congratulations to all of the children and parents of Year 3 for achieving the highest attendance this week!!!
Friday round-up 6.12.24
We finally completed the story of 'The Pebble in my Pocket'. The children have produced some lovely work! We have also been working on our 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
In Geography, we have been learning about some famous volcanoes.
Nel- we did VIPERS on volcanoes. I learned how tsunamis are created - if a volcano erupts under water, it sends a huge surge of water to the land.
Elycia - we have been writing about volcanoes. Tourists like to visit volcanoes and this gives people who live near the volcano a job like shopkeepers.
Owen - the disadvantage of living near a volcano is that the poisonous gases affect your lungs and you could die.
Matthew - an advantage of living next to the volcano is that the ash will land on the soil and this helps the crops to grow.
Michael - another advantage is that graphite crystalises and becomes diamonds.
Hazeemat - some famous volcanoes are: Popocatepetl, Mount St Helens and Krakatoa.
Congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% in their weekly spellings:
Friday round-up 29. 11. 24
We have continued our work on natural disasters, looking at volcano eruptions. We are using this information to write our own narrative.
Harry - When it erupts (a volcano) lava comes out and it finds the easier way to come down. When it cools down it turns to rock and make the volcano bigger and bigger. Any animal will die if the lava gets them and their bones will go!
Amelia - This week, I learned new methods on how to solve maths problems. Column method is really easy and using a number line. When doing multiplication I now know how to use the dots to help me when counting in threes. It has really helped me with my work and made it easier.
Jamie - I learned that divergent means when the tectonic plates move away from each other and create a canyon. Convergent means when they move together and one goes below the other one. That makes a mountain or a volcano.
Michael E - If you are doing your three times tables, you can draw three dots and use them to count on.
Abiola - We have been learning about tectonic plates. They only move 1-10 centimetres per year. If plates transform (rub against each other) it causes earthquakes.
Congratulations tp the following children for achieving 100% in their spellings;
Using to add effects to our work.
Friday Round-up 22nd November 2024
We had an opportunity to have a look at the park and totem poles that we designed, as a school. Some of us even got to use the equipment and were interviewed by a local reporter.
Here's what the children had to say;
Poppy -I learned how to take away three digits. We must take away from the biggest number!
Ifu - There are 4 layers to the soil; organic layer, topsoil, sub soil and bedrock.
Eli - The earth has 4 layers; mantle, outer core, inner core and crust.
Congratulations to Pardha and Tishe for passing their gold Master of Tables and Hazeemat for passing her bronze.
We had the opportunity to test out the play park that we designed.
We have spent the morning planting out the area around our classroom.
Friday round-up 15.11.2024
This week we have been very busy in science. We have been studying rocks, soils and fossils. We have also been reading the book 'A Pebble in my Pocket'. This book will be supporting our story writing this term.
Phoebe - For a good sentence, we shouldn't have more than three adjectives. An adjective gives you more information like, the man on the bench. You can change it to the old man on the red, metal bench.
Ryan - there are four layers of soil. The first layer is the organic layer, the second layer is top soil, the third layer is subsoils and the last layer is bedrock.
Matthew - we have been learning about when a tree gets damaged. Resin is released and it is very sticky. Anything in its path, like insects, get trapped and after thousands of years it becomes amber. People like to use amber for jewellery because of its nice colour.
Nel - we have been writing a narrative about the pebble in my pocket and we are the pebble. Pebbles start off under the earth and rise up through the volcano.
Eli - igneous rock is formed from lava cooling down.
Owen - metamorphic rocks don't start out as that. It might once of been a sedimentary or igneous rock that changes because of pressureand intense heat.
Congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% in their weekly spellings:
Friday round-up 8th November '24
The first week is always the start of our new topics. Here's what the children had to say about their learning;
Michael O - we have been learning about rocks - igneous rock is made from an erupting volcano.
Grace - A sedimentary rock has lots of layers.
Owen - Impermeable means when a rock goes in the water, the rock will not absorb the water.
Amelia - We learned about rocks and whether they were permeable, impermeable and absorbant. Permeable means it does let gases and liquids through. Thats why you don't use it on roofs!
Min - We learned adding using column method. You must always start in the ones column. If we are adding, we can write the numbers in any order because the answer is the same.
Ryan - It takes an igneous rock and a sedimentary rock to make a metamorphic rock. It becomes metamorphic because of high heat and pressure.
Congratulations to the following children:
KS1 bronze - Grace
KS1 silver - Hazeemat, Matthew, Phoebe and Poppy
KS1 gold - Abiola, Eli, Ifu, Rafael and Ryan
3/4 bronze Nel
Experimenting with rocks
Exploring Rocks
Welcome back to the start of Term 2. We hope you have had a lovely half term.
We have some very exciting topics coming up this term;
Science - Rocks, soils and fossils
Geography - volcanoes and earthquakes
R.E - religious festivals
Music - creating repeated patterns / singing/ glockenspiels
P.E - dance
Computing -
Thursday Round-up 24th Oct
It has been a long first half-term but we have finally got to the end of it. We have learned lots of new skills and covered some fun topics. It has been a pleasure watching the children absorb and embed their new learning. We are really looking forward to next term!
Here's what the children had to say about their learning;
Nel - I enjoyed studying the Stone Age and liked doing cave paintings.
Alan - I have enjoyed writing my own story of the Three Little Pigs.
Matthew - I liked learning about magnets and how we put N and S on our hands to help us remember.
Poppy - I really enjoyed doing Tanka poems because they were fun. It is hard to remember 5-7-5-7-7.
Hazeemat - I liked learning about the famous artists Edward Munch and Vincent Van Gough.
Pardha - I enjoyed experimenting friction and recording how far the car travelled on different surfaces.
Michael E - I liked learning how to add and subtract three-digit numbers.
Abiola - I liked learning about magnets attracting and repelling. We got to use magnets and investigate.
Marvelous - I loved learning about Christianity, Hinduism and Judaism.
Elycia - I liked that we got to write a Tanka poem about the Stone Age.
Kayaan - I enjoyed making a Powerpoint about the Three Little Pigs, using animation and transition.
Ifu - In Spanish we learned the letter sounds and how to greet each other.
Congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% in their weekly spellings:
Michael E
A special congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% in their spellings every week since September!
Thank you to all of the adults that took the time to learn alongside us today. It was very much appreciated.
Friday round-up 18.10.2024
This week has been assessment week, although we still managed to do lots of learning.
The children have been learning the skills required in netball and finally got to play a game. The children were also very proud of the amount of certificates that they have achieved in their spelling tests.
Ryan - The Stone Age people couldn't communicate like we do now, they used smoke signals and made sounds. We communicate in lots of ways now including social media, telephones, e-mails and many more.
Elycia - We learned that Christians believe in the Trinity - God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Marvelous - God created the world in six days.
Matthew - Christians believe that there is only one God.
Amelia-Joy - In netball, you can't move with the ball.
Congratulations to;
Amelia and Ifu for achieving their rock in Master of Tables.
Eli for achieving his silver in Master of Tables.
Friday round-up 11th October 2024
This week we have been working on subtraction in maths, Stone Age in topic, Netball in P.E, the notes b, a ,and g in glockenspiels, phonics in Spanish and writing a diary and speech bubbles in English. We also had a well-being morning where we did lots of dancing, doodling and chatting.
Here's what the children had to say about their learning;
Michael O - subtracting is when you take away the lower number.
Logan - Stone Age people lived in caves and they ate animal meat, berries, fruit and nuts.
Grace - The Stone Age Boy learned how to make fire.
Alan - when you write speech bubbles, you just put the words that are spoken.
Congratulations to the following children for getting 100% in their weekly spellings:
Michael E (first time achieved)
Writer of the Week
Problem Solver of the Week
Well done adults for bringing your children to school every day this week!
Wellbeing Activities
Go Yellow for World Mental Health Day
Thank you to all the people that contributed to our harvest festival food donations. We were over-whelmed with the response!
We are putting a wash on our canvas ready for our cave paintings.
We have been learning about zones in netball
Friday Round-up 4th October 2024
This week, we began our topic on Stone Age. The children were very enthusiastic and excited about their learning. The children also enjoyed drama this week, acting out the story of The Three Little Pigs. (We have some very good future actors among us!) We have also been adding 1's,10's, and 100's to a 3-digit number. We were very lucky to have a P.E coach come in and work with the children on their dodging skills! She was very impressed by their behaviour and even said that they are the best Year 3 group that she has taught in a long time!!!
Here's what the children had to say;
Eli - I did the weekly review, in maths, and I got them all right. We did big numbers like a thousand!
Jamie - when you dodge, you don't just move a little bit, you have to dodge into a space.
Marvelous - In English, I was the big bad wolf and I had to blow the houses down.
Tishe - We did a hot task in Science to see what we had embedded from our learning. I got all the questions correct!
Congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% in their weekly spellings:
Congratulations to Alan for passing his Silver Master of Tables!
Problem solver of the week
Congratulations to our Year 3 blue house team.
Learning the definition of BCE, BC, CE, AD and decade.
Learning new skills in P.E (dodging and moving)
Congratulations to Yellow House
Friday round-up 27th September
This week we have been looking at friction, writing our own version of The Three Little Pigs and addition of three digit numbers. Here's what the children had to say about their learning;
Rafael - I learned that stories have a beginning, middle and an end.
Nel - We learnt that mulch has lots of friction because it was very bumpy and lino has little friction because it was very smooth.
Amelia - We learnt that if we add 98+8 it would equal 106.
Welcome to Grace who is our newest member of the class. Grace said that she has enjoyed doing maths this week.
Congratulations to the following children
100% in their weekly spellings:
Michael E
Recieving their pen licence:
Michael E
bronze in KS1 Master of Spellings:
Michael E
Achiever of the Week
Experimenting with friction
Friday 20th September round-up
The children have thoroughly enjoyed investigating forces this week. Hopefully, you have taken the opportunity to take a look at the photos.
Here's what the children had to say about their learning this week;
Michael E - this week I learned to compare my numbers to 1,000. Now I know how to order the numbers from smallest to biggest.
Hazeemat - when something magnetic enters the magnetic field, the magnet will attract it. It doesn't need to touch it to make it move.
Nel - we can make a story more exciting by adding adjectives to describe the characters.
Owen - when we have the ball in netball, we are not allowed to move around. You can only take one step when you are doing your chest pass.
Congratulations to the following children:
100% score for weekly spellings
Master of Tables
Rock - Hazeemat
Bronze - Rafael
Silver - Pardha and Tishe
Scientist of the Week
Writer of the Week
We turned ourselves into human magnets today. Can you tell which children are attracting and which children are repelling?
Friday 13th September round-up
I do hope that you got a chance to check out all of the photos of activities that we have done this week. The children have thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Here's what they had to say about their learning;
Amelia - You need to use a force to pull a door open and push it closed.
Kayaan - In fairytales most of them have once upon a time.
Nel - We have been using magnets to check if materials are magnetic. I found out that not all metals are magnetic.
Jamie - pushing and pulling are forces.
Harry - I have lots of fun today. (practical activity with magnets)
Congratulations to the following children for:
achieving 100% in their spellings
achieving 100% in their mental maths
Achiever of the Week
Writer of the Week
We have been experimenting with different materials to see which are magnet and which are non-magnetic.
Place value using counters and beads. Can you guess what numbers they made?
Chest passing and making a target for catching.
6th September 2024 - Friday round-up
This week we have been doing lots of art work. We looked at the work of Edvard Munch and Vincent Van Gogh. We also created colour wheels and our own art in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.
Here's what the children had to say about their learning;
Amelia-Joy - I know that Edvard Munch did expressions. His paintings did not have ots of detail and the colours look like they were watered down.
Tishe - I would now recognise the work of Vincent Van Gogh because he used tiny brush strokes.
Hazeemat - A tertiary colour is when you mix a secondary and a primary colour together.
Harry - Red and blue makes purple.
Alan - Edvard Munch's most famous painting is The Scream.
Ryan - Vincent Van Gogh's most famous painting is Sunflowers.
The following children scored 100% in their Mental maths test this week:
Michael O
Drawing in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.
Today we have been painting primary, secondary and tertiary colour wheels.
Welcome to Year 3. We hope you all had a relaxing summer break.
Mrs Vallaj and myself are looking forward to working with your children this year and can't wait to get started. The year 3 curriculum is hectic but exciting with some great topics throughout the year.
The topics that we will be covering for term 1 are;
Science - Magnets and forces
History - Stone Age
Art - Colour mixing, Portraits and back washes
DT - Designing and making a mechanical toy
Computing -
P.E. - Netball
Music - Three Little Birds
English - Fairytales
Maths - Place value
We would very much appreciate that your child completes all homework set including: Reading Eggs, Mathletics, spellings and shared reading. Homework is set on a Friday and is expected to be completed by the following Thursday.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to talk to a member of staff (We are very friendly) and if we can't help you, we will point you in the right direction. If you cannot speak to us in person, please e-mail us at:
Thank you in advance for your support.
Mrs Kiddell