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Year 2

05.07.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

Just 3 weeks away from the end of the year and we are still all really working hard in Year 2! This week we went on a trip to the Abbey Ruins. We went to look at wild and garden plants as part of our science work; where and how they grow. The children really enjoyed their morning, we had beautiful weather and a lovely trip to the park included too! On Tuesday we wrote a recount of our day and in History this week we continued our learning on the Ancient Egyptians. We looked at how and why the Egyptians settled along the River Nile! Keep up the great work year 2!

Thank you to Phoebe’s lovely nan for our delicious treats today! They were yummy!

A fun trip to the Abbey ruins gardens and woodland. We had beautiful sunshine and lots of fun. Year 2 enjoyed identifying all the different wild and garden plants.

28.06.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

This week in Year 2 we have been continuing our testing. Year 2 have made some fantastic progress across the year and should all be very proud of their achievements. On Tuesday we took part in the Northwood Book Sale and were able to take lots of books home whilst raising money for the school to buy new dictionaries. It was a great success!

Sneak peek! Don’t forget it’s our book sale tomorrow, all children should have the opportunity to have books of their own at home to enjoy.

We made the most of this glorious morning and went outside to learn about position and direction; whole, half and quarter turnsclockwise and anticlockwise.

21.05.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

A fantastic week of sports! This week we had our sports day! Year 2 took place in the obstacle race, egg and spoon race and the running race. We had some great winners up on the podium and enjoyed watching some of our year 2 parents racing too! On Wednesday we were lucky enough to have a second day of sports! Year 2 took place in a multi-sports competition with another local primary school. We had lots of fun completing a range of activities including skipping, dribbling and even golf! 

KS1 Multi skills competition! Well done Year 2, you were all fantastic!

Painting pasta to make our Egyptian necklaces.

Check out Year 2 dressed as Ancient Egyptians!

Check out our new Design Technology display!

Year 2 were asked to measure objects around the classroom today. They had to choose and use the appropriate unit of measurement; cm vs m.

Today was our last visit of the year to the library. We got to play in the park before we returned back to school and even found a new friend! Great spot Nel!

07.06.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

Welcome back to Term 6; our final term of the year! We've still got lots more learning to do. In math this term, we will be learning about measure. The children will be able to choose and use the correct units of measurement to measure length, height, mass, capacity and temperature. We will then move on to learning about position and direction. Year 2 will practice making whole, half, quarter and 3-quarter turns. We will be writing instructions on how to care for a pet dragon and poems base on our new focus text; 'The Magic Finger'. Remember next week Wednesday 12th June is our History theme day. We will be enjoying our day as Ancient Egyptians!


We have begun work on our new maths topic; measurement. Year 2 are comparing lengths a learning about how important it is to line up what you are measuring against together correctly.

A fantastic book review written by Pardha, we hope you enjoy it just as much as Pardha did Nel!

Year 2 then went on to divide by sharing using concrete objects and a model to support their learning

Dividing into equal groups using counters

10.05.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

In year 2 this week, we revisited some of our grammar work. We were adding s and es to words to make plurals and er and est; the comparative and superlative suffix to create adjectives to compare. We started our new Geography topic, Antarctic explorers and the children learnt about the 7 continents of the world.

Looking ahead to next week:

  • In maths we will be solving division problems by grouping and sharing.
  • In English we will be looking at the text types features of letter writing.

Year 2 have been using Lego to help them solve multiplication problems with arrays.

Huge congratulations to Yellow house for winning this week’s achievement cup!

04.05.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

It’s been a short week this week, but no less fun. We have enjoyed solving multiplication problems, counting in our 2s, 5s and 10s and we learnt about contractions and the use of an apostrophes to show where letters are missing. In our RHEd lesson we spoke about the word ‘content’ and the things we can do to keep our mind

happy and healthy.
The children in year 2 are really enjoying their reading at the minute and as a whole class we are reading ‘The Boy who grew Dragons’. I am really impressed to see those children that are tackling those tricky chapter books in year 2.

Solving multiplication problems using pictures

Science: Investigating how materials change shape

26.04.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

This week we continued our Science work on materials and their properties. The children experimented to see how materials can change shape by bending, stretching, squashing etc. We recorded our results in a table. We also discussed properties of materials and their suitability for different objects/purposes? What material would you use to make a pillow? A table? And cup? In maths we were learning how to read, draw and interpret pictograms and block diagrams and in English we wrote our diary entries again but this time in role as the legendary Saint George, after he had slayed the dragon and saved the princess. 

Some examples of Years 2’s diary entries as well as the small steps we took to reach our target in being able to include some subordinating conjunctions in our writing. Can you spot them; when, if, that and because?

Year 2 wanted their group photo taken on the trim trail. 😃 Say cheese! 📸

Year 2 have been working incredibly hard on their editing recently. We use a green pen to show how we have changed and improved our work. The focus for their diary entries has been to use powerful verbs and adverbs to describe their adventures as Vlad during the great fire of London and their battle with a ferocious dragon as Saint George the patron Saint.

19.04.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

What a fantastic week back in Year 2 Term 5! This week we finished off our diary entries as Vlad from the great fire of London. We shared what a good model looks like; focussing on the description of the scene in Pudding Lane. We then used our five sense to write our own diary entry including expanded noun phrases for lots of description. In DT this week, we evaluated our model fire engines. We spoke about what went well and how we could improve our design next time. For the first 2 weeks of this term, we will be learning about statistics in maths. This week, Year 2 learnt how to represent data using tally marks and read a table. We have been busy!

TERM 5 SPELLINGS: These are the Year 2 spellings for the next six weeks which will bring us up to May half term. You will find the date of each spelling test along with the words for that week.

Year 2 having been finding fractions of an amount. We used counters and a model to support our understanding.

Check out some of Year 2’s fantastic fire engines made in DT.

Well done to Nel and Abiola on achieving their Rock Award!

On Monday and Tuesday Year 2 took part in our Master of spellings and Master of tables. Congratulations to our winners; Nel, Pardha, Alan and Poppy!

22.03.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

This week we have worked hard in English to write our very own poem. We used ‘I wish…’ as a stimulus and looked at the repetitive pattern and use of expanded noun phrases. In maths, we started learning about fractions. Year 2 were able to find 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3 of an amount, we will to practice recognising unit fractions next week. We continued our science work this week (investigating the properties of different material) and we collected data about different materials, testing to see if they were hard, smooth, waterproof etc. It’s been a busy week in Year 2. Can you believe it, we only have one week left of Term 4?! Well done Year 2, keep up the fantastic work. 

We had the best time using our new play equipment! Can you spot a reenactment of ‘The Great Fire of London’ with St Paul’s Cathedral and the Tower of London? What about a fantastic moving vehicle, with a chassis, wheels and the axle just like we’ve been making in DT!

Check out the official, and first-ever, World Book Day song by MC Grammar.

Readers are Leaders (World Book Day Song 2024) | MC Grammar 🎤 | Kids Songs 🎵 | Songs for Kids 🎵

Check out my new song for World Book Day 2024 called 'Readers are Leaders'. Download the lyrics below to rap along and enjoy all of the fun activities: Big shoutout to the 2024 Young Voices crew who sang this song with me on tour!

yessmiley The winning house for this week is GREEN House. Congratulations!

Well done to these children for achieving their Rock award in Year! This is awarded to those children whom have mastered times tables in the 2s, 5s and 10s.

08.03.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

This week it was World Book Day on Thursday. We had lots of fun dressing in our pyjamas and sharing our favourite bedtime stories. We have worked on money; finding different combinations of coins that make a given total. In English, we wrote about Boxton, we used expanded noun phrases to describe his appearance. I was really impressed by Year 2’s dance based on the stimulus of the Great Fire of London. 

Year 2 have been learning about money, the value of different notes and they have made given total using different combinations of coins. Brilliant work Year 2, well done!

Check out our amazing cherry blossom tree paintings. Wishing all of our lovely mummies a very Happy Mother’s Day this coming Sunday! Thank you for all that you do.

We used a new technique to blow watery paint into the shapes of different trees. It was great fun and made our trees look realistic.

For World Book Day we wore our pyjamas to school and brought in our favourite books to share. It was such a fantastically fun day and very cosy in our pjs!

We had yummy hot chocolate after a lovely day of reading!

01.03.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

This week we started learning some songs about ‘The Great Fire of London’. Year 2 impressed us with their fantastic singing! We also began talking about our DT project this half term. Year 2 will be designing and making a moveable fire engine; our build will include a chassis, wheels and axle. Next week we will be leaning to add the suffixes -ful and -less to a noun to change it into an adjective and we will begin writing a character description for Boxton. Check back soon for more photos!

Today we had a visit from the lovely ladies at the NSPCC, they taught us how to ‘SPEAK OUT AND STAY SAFE!’

This term we are reading and learning about 'The Great Fire of London'.

Maths- Understanding the value of different coins and notes. Which is worth more?

Year 2 had fun analyzing artefacts and describing key similarities and differences between different phones throughout the decades.

Exploring faces, edges and vertices of common 3D shapes.

yessmiley The winning house for this week is RED House. Congratulations!

Counting faces, edges and vertices on 3D shapes.

Well done to all of our class readers! The children in Year 2 take turns in reading their books from home. I am really impressed with how well you all read and present your voice to the class.

Sorting 3D by their properties

23.02.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

A fantastic first week back in Year 2, Term 4! Year 2 completed work on 2D and 3D shapes in maths. We counted faces, edges and vertices on various 3D shapes and sorted them according to different criteria. We continued our History work; looking at changes in technology within living memory and beyond. We all had lots of fun looking at a collection of old phones and talking about how they have changed over time.

PE-Throwing and catching

Year 2 have enjoyed learning about lines of symmetry this week.

We have been learning to recognise 2D shapes and count their number of sides and vertices.

yessmileyThe winning house for this week is BLUE House. Congratulations!

02.02.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

This week we started our new History topic; we are learning about the changes in technology over time. We spoke about different forms of communication and how telephones have changed from when our grandparents were young to the telephones and mobile devices we use today.


'We learned about telephones, the difference between telephones and smart phones.' 'I noticed they were made by different creators but they were going to do the same thing but one of the creators wanted to change it and call it a smart phone.' ~Alan


'We learnt about the evolution of the telephone. The inventor of the first telephone was Alexander Graham Bell.' 'We learnt about morse code.' ~Pardha

'We learnt about 2D Shapes and 3D Shapes and the number of sides and vertices.' ~Alan


We learnt about communicating, how to communicate with other people. We did about what we are using now and what we are using it for.' ~Tishe


'We did a worksheet on what we use to communicate now and before.' ~Alan

Library fun!

26.01.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

This week we started work on shape in Maths. We are learning to name common 2D and 3D Shapes and count their number of sides and vertices. Year 2 have finished writing their own versions of the story Dogger and we are now writing out our story in neat so that we can produce our very own picture book! Check back soon to see the finished product!

Congratulations Ryan for receiving the 'Problem solver of the week' award. You are showing a great attitude to learning and I have been very impressed with your responses to reasoning and problem solving questions in maths. Keep up the great work.

Congratulations Jamie on receiving the achievement of the week! You are making fantastic progress in maths!

yessmileyThe winning house for this week is RED House. Congratulations!

19.01.2024 Weekly Round Up!
This week we really enjoyed our RHEd lesson; we read the ‘The Truth Pixie’, (which seems to have quickly become a new favourite in year 2) and then spoke about our strengths and celebrating these ! We discussed things we’re good at, things we like and don’t like and how knowing and understanding ourselves is important for our mental health and well being. In Science, we found out about wild and garden plants and Year 2 now know the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees.


'Last week in spanish we learnt our colours in spanish and our numbers. I liked it! Rojo is red. Amarillo is yellow.' ~Amelia

A huge well done to Hazeemat, Alan and Elycia on achieving their pen license in Year 2. Keep up the fantastic work and beautiful handwriting!

Congratulations to Rafael! He is the Scientist of the week for his fantastic knowledge on plants.

 smileyyesThe winning house for this week is RED House. Congratulations!

TERM 3 SPELLINGS: These are the Year 2 spellings for the next six weeks which will bring us up to Christmas half term. You will find the date of each spelling test along with the words for that week.

12.01.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

What a fantastic first week back! Year 2 have worked hard learning to add 2 2-digit numbers in maths. We identified the key parts of both flowering plants and trees and were able to talk about the function of these as part of our new science topic. Looking ahead to next week:

In maths we will use the column method to add two 2-digit numbers crossing the 10s.

In English we will continue innovating our own story of Dogger; creating our own individual characters and plot.

08.01.2024 Welcome back to Term 3!

This term we will be learning about plants in Science and in maths we will learn how to find 1/2 and 1/4 of a shape or amount. In English we will be finding out about the four sentence types; exclamations, statements, questions and commands and we will be writing our own versions of the story Dogger. We will read 'The Truth Pixie' by Matt Haig, Vlad and the Great Fire of London and 

Christmas dinner fun and parties!

Year 2 had fun following a recipe and baking cookies for Santa!

08.12.2023 Weekly Round-Up!

'We did Piet Mondrian paintings on the computer and we used all of the primary colours.' ~Michael E

'I liked to do the christmas trees' ~Alicja

'I like to use primary colours to paint.' ~Min

'We were creating our own type of poem like Mrs Butler' ~Amelia-Joy

'We were making new names for the characters in the poem' ~Nel

'We used primary colours to make secondary colours.' ~Michael O

'I liked learning a new school that we are going to sing for the show.' ~Alan

01.12.2023 Weekly Round-up!

This week we have been busy learning how to add and subtract 2-digit numbers and ones. We can now do this in our head and on a number line. Year 2 are practising using the apostrophe for possession in English and, in Art this week, we did some colour mixing. The children had a go at painting their own 'colour field' based on the famous works of Mark Rothko.


Embedded learning:

The 3 primary colours are R______, B_______ and Y_____________.

You need to mix  ____________ and __________ to make purple.

                             ____________ and __________ to make orange and

                             ____________ and __________ to make green.

If you mix all 3 primary colours it will make __________________.


Purple, green and orange are called S___________________ colours.


The famous artist P______ M_______________ used ______________ colours to paint.  His paintings were called cubism.

Mark Rothko used S____________________ colours to create his paintings which were called C____________ F__________.  These paintings were based on his feelings.



Word bank

Colour field                            Piet Mondrian                        red


Secondary                    primary                         brown                  blue                    



Year 2 started work on their Christmas decorations for the school hall! Check back soon to see the finished product.

TERM 2 SPELLINGS: These are the Year 2 spellings for the next six weeks which will bring us up to Christmas half term. You will find the date of each spelling test along with the words for that week.

Stay and Learn focussed on Reading and the joy of Audio books. We had a lovely time listening to and using our imagination to picture the characters of 'Emily Brown and the Thing.'

17.11.2023 Weekly Round-Up!

'We learnt about privacy. If I am on the train and reading no-one should be peeping at what I am doing.' ~ Kayaan

'We did fact families in maths and used the bar models.' ~Tishe

'We used commas in a list, its a list of things, you don't need to put and, and, and. You would just put a comma instead of and.' ~Owen

'We were writing about the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and where he was born.' ~Amelia

'We learnt how to say goodbye in Spanish; 'Adios amigos!' ~Charis

'Last week we started to read Paddington Bear.' ~Ryan

Year 2 had the chance to vote for a new playground to be built just along the road from our school. We were able to select the layout that we liked as well as the type of equipment we would like to play on.

10.11.2023 Weekly Round-Up!

A fun and busy week for Year 2. On Monday we visited the library again and exchanged our books. We brought back some great new reads and renewed our class favourite Olga Da Polga. On Tuesday, we had a visit from the London fire brigade and we learnt ways to stay safe in case of a fire. We learnt to count in 3s and how to use commas in a list. In Science we discussed the ways in which animals are suited to their environments and found out about some of adaptations of polar bears. A great week of learning Year 2, well done!

A visit from the London Fire brigade.

Look at our fantastic shoebox habitats!

03.11.2023 Weekly Round Up!

A fantastic first week of Term 2! This week, Year 2 wrote their own innovated stories based on the well loved story 'Peace at Last'. We practised counting in 2s and next week we will revisit counting in 5s and 10s and learn to count in 3s. On Thursday we started our RE topic, we discussed who is a Muslim and what do they believe. A reminder that next week on Monday, Year 2 will be visiting the Nest Thamesmead Library again. We will return our loaned books and bring new ones back to school to enjoy. On Tuesday we have a special surprise visit from a member of the fire brigade, to talk to us about fire safety. 

Year 2 acted out walking through a forest. We tried to describe what we could hear, see, smell and feel as we ventured through the forest.

Year 2 are learning to partition numbers into different combinations of tens and ones.

TERM 1 SPELLINGS: These are the Year 2 spellings for the next six weeks which will bring us to October half term. You will find the date of each spelling test along with the words for that week.

smileyyes The winning house for this week is RED House. Congratulations!

13.10.2023 Weekly Round-Up!

We have had a fabulously fun week of learning this week! I'm sure for many of Year 2 the highlight of the week was 'Hello Yellow day'. We all dressed up in our brightest clothes and celebrated a day dedicated to mental health awareness. We discussed what mental health means to us and how we can keep our mind happy and healthy. Year 2 shared 'what makes them happy' and we created some fantastic artwork to show our inner and outer self. Check these out below! In Science this week, we revisited what a carnivore, herbivore and omnivore were and spoke about animal habitats. The children were able to say that a habitat is the natural environment where an animal lives.


'I loved doing artwork.' ~ Amelia

'Omnivore eat plants and meat.' ~Matthew

'I liked yellow day because we could wear yellow things.' ~Nel

'I liked when we did the artwork, the outer self and the inner self. I liked thinking about the things that make me happy.' ~Tishe

'I liked yellow day because I liked reading the books on the shelf. They were interesting. I like reading.' ~Ryan

'We were adding tens and subtracting tens but every time you add a ten, the ones number wouldn't change.' ~Tishe

Our library needed a bit of a revamp. Look at it now! Now it is a lot easier to find some fantastic books to share and enjoy.

What makes Year 2 happy?

Reading for pleasure and a healthy mind.

Happy Hello Yellow day in Year 2!

04.10.2023 Weekly Round-Up!

On Monday of this week we visited our local library; The Nest in Thamesmead. We really enjoyed exploring the all the lovely books, we sat and read some together with our friends and we even got to bring our own chosen book back to school to read and share together in class. The children in Year 2 are fascinated by stories; this week Tishe read 'Coming to England' to us and Amelia shared her library book 'Six dinner Sid'. We finished reading 'The Enormous Crocodile' by Roald Dahl and started reading 'The tales of Olga da Polga' by Michael Bond. Check out our reading challenge poster on the window; as a class we aim to read 100 books across the Year. I am sure we are well on our way to do so. In Geography we discussed what tourism is and compared seaside resorts in the past to nowadays. In English what learnt what an 'expanded noun phrase' was and began to use these in our writing to describe Mr Bear.

29.09.2023 Weekly Round-Up!

This week we re-read the story 'Peace at Last' by Jill Murphy and we were able to retell it. We learnt and question and exclamation type sentences and began writing some of our as poor Mr Bear who couldn't get any sleep. In maths we practised counting forwards and backwards in tens from any given number. As part of our Geography work we were learning about the physical and human features of a place and we were able to compare the features of a coastline to where we live.

Congratulations Harry on receiving the Achievement of the week award. You have worked very hard this week, across all areas of the curriculum and should be very proud!

Well done to Great; our scientist of the week!

22.09.2023 Weekly Round-Up!

This week we represented numbers in different ways; using number lines, bead strings, dienes cubes and place value counters. In English we learnt about co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Year 2 used the words; and, but, so, because, if, that and when in their writing. In Geography we were able to describe the natural features of a coastline using key vocabulary such as cliff, valley, beach, forest, hill and mountain. A huge well done to everyone in Year 2 for their fantastic reading this week. Lots of children are moving up a book band colour in their reading and we have heard some amazing readers, reading aloud their stories from home to the class. 

Check out our brilliant poems based on the feelings of 'The Colour Monster'

We used atlases to help us locate the United Kingdom, the coastline and our nearest seaside resorts.

15.09.2023 Weekly Round-Up!

Week 2 complete, and what a fantastic week of learning it was! Year 2 have been comparing numbers to 100 using the greater than, less than and equal to symbols (>,<, =). We wrote our own poems describing different feelings based on 'The Colour Monster'. Year 2 were able to use some fantastic vocabulary, including similes, powerful verbs and exciting adjectives. In Geography this half term we are finding out about the Great British coastline. The children can now name some seaside resorts closest to where we live and they can talk about the physical and human features of a coastal resort.

Year 2 have been bringing in books from home and reading them aloud to the class. We have enjoyed some fantastic stories!

Ordering numbers using the greater than, less than or equal to symbols.



Welcome to Year 2! It's great to have you back!


Your teachers in Year 2 are Mrs Stiles and Mrs Snape.


We will start the term off reading some much loved classics, such as 'The lighthouse keepers lunch', 'Gorilla' and 'Mog the Forgetful Cat'.

As our writing focus for this half term, we will continue with the work we started on 'The Colour Monster' and we will look at stories with familiar settings, including 'Dogger' by Shirley Hughes and 'Gorilla' by Anthony Browne - both fantastic texts! We will write our own version of the story Dogger innovating the characters and events.


In Maths we will be focussing on number and place value. Year 2 will be learning to add multiples of tens and partition numbers into tens and ones- recognising the place value of each digit in a 2-digit number.


Our Science topic for this half term is animals including humans. We will find out what a carnivore, herbivore and omnivore are and be able to classify types of animals.


Check back soon to see some photos of what we have been up to in Year 2. 

The Year 2 team!


SATS Revision practice

**Don't forget to practice your spellings each week (testing on Friday) and complete your Reading Eggs and Mathletics Homework. We will be checking these on Wednesday.

Science- Please see attached the letter that was sent home with your child explaining their homework project.
