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Year 2

18.10.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

This week we have been super busy doing some fantastic writing. Year 2 have been learning about expanded noun phrases and how to use these to describe our character Mr Bear and a bear’s habitat in the forest. Next week we will begin writing our own version of peace at last. In maths, we have been learning to partition 2-digit numbers into different combinations of tens and ones. Year 2 enjoyed working ‘systematically’ with the dienes cubes to partition numbers. 

Year 2 have been learning to partition numbers into different combinations of tens and ones.

Year 2 had a fantastic time making all sorts with loose parts play!

Year 2 have been practicing using capital letters and full stops correctly. We were able to edit sentences from our focus text Peace at Last.

11.10.2024 Weekly Round-Up!


'We were writing about Muslims. Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) asked Abdul to take the poor man in so that they can give him food. Abdul told his wife and his wife said "we only have enough food for the children". The children were sent to bed and they gave the food to the poor man.' ~ Daniel


'We learnt about the five pillars. I remember 3 of them.' ~ Elijah


'We went on a walk to see habitats. We found bugs under logs.' ~ Adonai


'We were using tens and ones and finding the value of each digit.' ~Maceo






Ball skills in PE!

A huge thank you to all of our lovely parents and carers who were able to contribute donations for Harvest Festival.

We have been using dienes cubes to help partition 2-digit numbers into tens and ones.

Year 2 went on a walk today around our local area. We did some fantastic Science fieldwork looking for habitats and exploring the environment for things that are alive, was once alive or have never been alive.

Year 2 were able to apply lots of the new skills we have learnt about number and place value.

04.10.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

This week we worked hard on improving our handwriting and focused on the various diagonal joins. In maths we revisited recognising numbers from different representations. We were counting forwards and backwards in tens and begun to partition numbers into tens and ones.

on Monday we visited the library, it was great fun to go on our first outing of the year, in year 2! The children chose some exciting books and we have been sharing these back in class. A fabulous week Year 2!

Year 2 had a special visitor today; Charlotte came to teach us some ball skills in PE!

Our first outing in Year 2! Today, we got to visit the library and choose some books to bring back to school.

Year 2 created a piece of art using collage to show human and physical features of the seaside.

Learning to collage!

A fantastic well done to Year 2 this week as we were awarded both the Attendance and Green Class of the Week award!

A quick snippet of what we have been up to in maths so far.

20.09.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

We had a fabulously arty week in Year 2 this week. The children learnt what ‘collage’ was and practiced their collaging skills creating a seaside scene and helping the colour monster to sort his feeling into jars. In English, we wrote poems about our chosen feeling. The children in Year 2 were able to use a variety of advertises verbs and similes. In Maths, we have been comparing numbers using the >, < and = symbols. 

A little look at what we have been up to in writing so far.

13.09.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

This week we continued our Geography topic looking at the Great British Coastline, we learnt what an island was, some key features of different islands and what the coastline is. In maths the children have been ordering numbers. 
Check back soon to see a great video of what we got up to in PE!

06.09.2024 Weekly Round-Up!

Well done to our new Year 2s! Our fantastic first week back. We worked hard on our letter formation this week, starting and finishing letters in the correct place in continuous cursive. Year 2 used contraction words such as haven't, wouldn't and didn't to write silly sentences about the summer break. Unfortunately, I haven't had any crocodile flavour ice cream and I didn't fly to the moon and back with my pet monkey! We began our Geography topic looking at the Great British Coastline, the children learnt what and island is and the names of some of our nearest seaside resorts.

**Don't forget to practice your spellings each week (testing on Friday) and complete your Reading Eggs and Mathletics Homework. We will be checking these on Wednesday.



Welcome to Year 2! It's great to have you back!


Your teachers in Year 2 are Mrs Stiles and Mrs Snape.


We will start the term off reading some much loved classics, such as 'The lighthouse keepers lunch', 'Gorilla' and 'Mog the Forgetful Cat'.

As our writing focus for this half term, we will start work on 'The Colour Monster' and we will look at stories with familiar settings, including 'Dogger' by Shirley Hughes, and 'Peace at Last' by Jill Murphy - both fantastic texts! We will write our own version of the story Dogger innovating the characters and events.


In Maths we will be focussing on number and place value. Year 2 will be learning to add multiples of tens and partition numbers into tens and ones- recognising the place value of each digit in a 2-digit number.


Our Science topic for this half term is animals including humans. We will find out what a carnivore, herbivore and omnivore are and be able to classify types of animals.


Check back soon to see some photos of what we have been up to in Year 2. 

The Year 2 team!


SATS Revision practice

Science- Please see attached the letter that was sent home with your child explaining their homework project.
