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Master of Tables


In our drive to improve Maths even further at Northwood, we introduced Master of Tables (MoT) to encourage children to learn their times tables off by heart.  This has helped them in mental maths and in arithmetic work, whether in class or in assessment  situations.


It is done in four  stages: Rock, Bronze, Silver and Gold:

To become a Rock Master of Tables, children have to know their 2, 5 and 10 x tables

To become a Bronze Master of Tables, children have to know their 2, 5 and 10 x tables and the inverses (Division Facts)

To become a Silver Master of Tables, children have to know their 3, 4, 6 and 7 x tables and the inverses (Division Facts)

To become a Gold Master of Tables, children have to know their 8, 9, 11 and 12 x tables and the inverses (Division Facts)


Children have to know the times table facts and all inverses in random order and are expected to answer “quick fire” to encourage instant recall of multiplication and division facts. If successful, they are presented with a certificate in our Friday Achievement Assembly and their photo is then put on the MoT display in the main corridor.


We present 'Gold' Masters of Tables with a special gold badge to acknowledge their success.  They are presented in our weekly Achievement Assembly along with the certificates.


In 2016, we introduced our 'Master of Tables' challenge where every child from Year 2 to Year 6 takes part in a quick fire times table competition.  They compete against their year group peers for the title of 'King and Queen of Times Tables'.  The King and Queen of each year group are then crowned at the end of the competition.


Every child takes part with great attitude and children who lose out by a split second are very gracious in their defeat.  Everyone is very supportive of the children competing. We were very proud of this outstanding behaviour and we hold this competition every full term. 

New 'Diamond Level' has been introduced to check knowledge and the use of times tables facts in a problem solving context.
