Year 6
Friday Round-up Week 3:1 (10th Jan '25)
A belated Happy New Year to everyone.
It's been a hectic start to the new term - finishing off World War One work, refreshing our arithmetic skills and using relative clauses in sentences.
PE gave us the chance to show off some gymnastic skills on the large apparatus as you can see below - Well done to AJ for winning the PE trophy this week.
Gymnastics - apparatus
Thoughts about our week:
"I really enjoyed writing about Wilfred Salmon and the Vickers factory. It was interesting to learn about things that led to the creation of the RAF." Imisi
"I particularly liked using the benches and mats in PE - we're creating a routine using rolls and balances" Lase
"I now know that Epiphany is when the 3 wise men came to visit baby Jesus. " Emmanuel
"Today's RHEd lesson about phone safety was really interesting. " Matthew
"The Vickers factory in Crayford made guns, ammunition and aeroplanes for use in World War One." Ella
Remember P.E will take place on Tuesdays so make sure you have a full PE kit please.
The Mathletics and Reading Eggspress programs
are up and running. So log in and
brush-up your Maths and Reading skills every week.
Please contact Mr Fisher if you have problems with logging in.
If you need to contact me, you can use the Year 6 email address: