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Welcome to Class R! Our Early Years Team has three teachers - Miss Mitchell, Mrs Muso, and Mrs Frost. We hope you will enjoy visiting our class page regularly to find out about all the exciting activities and learning we are doing throughout the year. Please click on the links below to help support your child with their learning at home, and to find out more about the EYFS Curriculum and Early Learning Goals. 

13.2.25 - Weekly Round-Up!

The last week of Term 3! This week our teachers have been assessing our learning from this term to make sure it is embedded.  We have been looking back on our 'Traditional Stories' activities as well as seeing what we can remember from last term such as 'The Nativity' story.  We are making good progress in our Literacy and Maths learning and our cursive handwriting is developing well. Next term we will continue exploring 'Traditional Stories', starting with 'Little Red Riding Hood'.  Thank you to all the parents who attended our 'Stay & Learn' session on Tuesday where the focus was 'Internet Safety' - we hope you enjoyed it and found  the information useful.  Below are some comments from the children about their learning:


Brody - 'I enjoyed reading with Oliver - he's a 'Buddy Reader'!'

Cairo - 'You need to close down your laptop and tell an adult if there's something you don't like!'

Tammy - 'I liked learning all about the Internet. Stop, close and tell an adult - if a bad message or person pops up on the screen!'

Naila - 'I took Boofle home because I have been kind and helpful to my friends'


7.2.25 - Weekly Round-Up!

This week Class R have continued to explore the story of 'The Gingerbread Man' with a focus on rhyming words.  We have learnt that for words to rhyme they have to sound the same at the end, for example 'can and man'.  We have been busy thinking of our own rhyming words and writing down rhyming strings.  In Maths we have been practising our 'subtraction' skills and beginning to count back using a number line. In Design & Technology we have been cooking our own Gingerbread People - we measured and mixed together the ingredients, rolled out the dough and used cutters to create our biscuits - they were delicious! cheeky  In P.E we have been focusing on moving our bodies high and low, and in Computing we have continued to use '2Publish' to draw and type about the Gingerbread Man.  Well done to Dom & Ben for winning the Achievement Cup, Tammy for winning Problem Solver of the Week, and to Brody and Laura for being Sports Champions! smiley  Next week is the last week of term, and we will be reviewing our learning from this term to make sure it is embedded. Below are some comments from the children about their learning this week:


Meryem - 'We made a Gingerbread Man cookie and he wanted to run away'

Gabriel - 'I liked making the Gingerbread Man cookies'

Messiah - 'We needed Ginger Spice in our cookies'

Bela - ' We used flour, sugar, eggs, and mixed it all up. We then used a cutter to make the shape'

Anastasia - 'We learned about minus or take away. The amount gets smaller'

Brody - Rhyming words sound the same such as cat, bat, and hat - they have the same end sound'

31.1.25 - Weekly Round-Up!

This week Class R began exploring the story of 'The Gingerbread Man', focusing on the speech in the story. In Literacy we used our phonic knowledge to write a speech bubble for the Gingerbread Man - "Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!'  The children did really well with this, demonstrating the great progress in their writing yes  Linking to the story, in Maths we have been focusing on Floating/Sinking - we have found out that wood floats the best, and that most metal and rubber objects sink to the bottom. Plastic sometimes floats and sometimes sinks, depending on it's shape and if it has air inside it, and paper gets soggy and then sinks.


In Computing we used '2Publish' to draw and type captions about the Gingerbread Man, and in Art & Design we have been decorating Gingerbread Men using different shapes. Finally, in P.E we moved our body in different ways to travel along the benches.  Next week we will be continuing to explore the story and make our own edible Gingerbread Men cheeky  and in Literacy we will focusing on rhyming words/captions. Below are some comments from the children about their learning this week: 


Amira - 'I liked using the playdough to make Gingerbread Biscuits'

Brody - 'I wrote a speech bubble - 'Run, run as fast as you can...I did so well!'

Bela - 'I wrote a new sound - 'oa'. Now I can sound out 'float'

Meryem - 'I know that some things sink and some things float - the big shell floated'

Esther - 'I enjoyed doing handwriting practise - I'm really good at it!'

Naila - 'I did writing about the Gingerbread Man - in the story the fox eats him all up!'

Gabriel - 'I liked phonics - I can sound out b-oa-t'


23.1.25 - Weekly Round-Up!

This week Class R have been celebrating 'Chinese New Year'.  We have found out about the story of 'The Great Race', and how the outcome of the race chose the twelve different animals - this year is the 'Year of the Snake'. To celebrate, in 'Art and Design' we have been creating snakes and dragons using different media and materials, and have decorating Chinese Lanterns by printing.   In Maths we have been writing numerals 1 -10 using Chinese number symbols and practising using ordinal numbers (i.e. 1st, 2nd , 3rd etc.). In Literacy we have been retelling and acting out the story and writing menus for our Chinese Restaurant. In P.E/Music we learnt and performed Dragon dances to Chinese music, working in small groups to be dragons.  Well done to Anastasia for winning the Achievement Cup this week and to A.N and Messiah for winning the Sports Trophy. Next week we will be exploring the story of 'The Gingerbread Man'.  Below are some comments from the children about their learning this week:


Naila - 'We learned about Chinese New Year and I enjoyed doing the 'Dragon Dance' in P.E'

Laura - 'I made a dragon  - I coloured it in and cut it out with scissors!'

Messiah - 'I liked practising my cursive handwriting'

Ben -'I learnt about the Northwood Tree in Assembly'

Anastasia - 'We learned about Chinese New Year. They clean the house and decorate it with red colours and they wear red clothes for good luck'

Dom - 'I know China is in Asia - we learned about Chinese New Year'

Cairo - 'I made a snake and a dragon - I used scissors to cut them'

17.1.25 - Weekly Round-Up!

This week Class R have continued to explore 'Goldilocks & the 3 Bears'.  In Literacy we have been continuing with our story maps, and in Maths we have been exploring 'capacity' using different materials such as dry porridge, water, and cubes.  We have learnt that it is not easy to predict which container will have the largest capacity, as sometimes the one that looks the tallest/biggest does not hold as much as a short wide container!  In P.E we have started our 'Gymnastics' unit and enjoyed moving our bodies in different ways across the floor mats. We also went to the library this week and were excited to get new books to bring back to school.


Next week we will be celebrating 'Chinese New Year', and learning about the story of 'The Jade Emperor and the Great Race'.  This year's zodiac animal is the Snake, so we will also be making snakes from different materials as well as attempting to write Chinese number symbols and use chopsticks to pick small objects up. In PE we will perform dragon dances in small groups and learn about traditional Chinese music, as well as learning all about China itself for our Geography Unit. Well done to Meryem and Bela for winning the Achievement Cup this week, to Brody for winning the trophy for 'Writer of the Week' and to Ben & Tammy for getting the Sports Trophy!  yessmiley  Below are some comments from the children about their learning this week:


Ben - 'I liked learning about capacity - I filled up 3 containers to see which one held the most!'

Brody - 'In P.E we have been doing gymnastics - I can slide on my back and push with my feet'

Anastasia - 'I did beautiful writing about Goldilocks - you have to draw arrows to the next part of the story'

Esther - 'I enjoyed doing phonics and learning about digraphs - two letters make one sound like qu, sh, ch, '

Tammy - 'We went to the library and got some new books to read - my favourite one is 'The Little Red Hen' '


10.1.25 - Weekly Round-Up!

Welcome to Term 3 and Happy New Year!  This term our topic is 'Traditional Stories', starting with 'Goldilocks and the 3 Bears'.  We have been retelling and acting out  the story orally this week ready to draw and write about it next week by making story maps.  In Maths we have been ordering objects by size and using size language such as biggest/largest/smallest/tiniest.  In Art and Design we have been drawing characters from the story and using different media such as playdough and Duplo bricks to create different sized objects.  Next week we will create story maps and use our phonic knowledge to write captions about the story. We will also be visiting the library on Monday morning. Well done to Yulian for winning the 'Writer of the Week' award, and to Rita for winning the Achievement Cup.  Below are some comments from the children about their learning this week:


Cairo - ' I enjoyed learning about big and small - big goes first, medium in the middle and small size at the end'

Naila - ' I liked learning and singing the Goldilocks song'

Yulian - 'I enjoyed drawing about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. I drew a house, Goldilocks, the three chairs, the three beds and the Three Bears'

Brody - 'I enjoyed our assemble  - we talked about the RESPECT Tree'

Esther -'We learned about the Northwood Tree and 'respect' means be kind to your friends and all the people at school!'

20.12.24 - Weekly Round-Up!

This final week before Christmas has been very busy in Class R! As well as finishing off all our Christmas activities, we have had lots of special events happening too! It started on Monday with a special Christmas Assembly from the CRIBS drama group, and then Class R joining in the 'Master of Spellings' competition, where Ben & Tammy were crowned King & Queen of Spelling yes   On Tuesday we had our Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas lunch, and on Wednesday we enjoyed our Christmas party smiley  On Thursday morning we performed our Nativity Show to the parents - thank you to all that came to watch. On Friday it was wear 'Black & White' Day in aid of the Ellenor Hospice.  There was also a special end of term Achievement Assembly, and then we did some more partying in class! angel  Thank you to all the parents/carers for your support since September, and we hope you have a great Christmas break and happy new year.


Next term our topic will be 'Traditional Stories', starting with 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'.  Below are some comments from the children about their learning this week:


Bela - 'I enjoyed singing our Nativity songs and I loved the Angels song!' 

Anastasia - 'This week I enjoyed practising the Christmas songs and I am proud of myself for remembering my line on stage when I was Angel Gabriel'

Messiah - 'I loved the Class Christmas Party - I had lots of fun'

Yulian - 'I enjoyed being Joseph in the show.  I sang all the songs and my mum was very happy!'

Meryem - 'I loved playing Musical Statues at the party - I froze like an icicle!'

Gabriel - 'I liked being a donkey'

Esther - 'I loved being Mary in the show - I walked slowly on the stage with Joseph and the Donkey'  

13.12.24 - Weekly Round-Up!

This week Class R have been busy with more Christmas crafting and lots of practise for our Christmas Production, which we will perform to the parents next week.  We also walked to the post box this week to post our letters to Santa, and are looking forward to Santa's reply smiley  In Literacy, our teachers have been assessing our phonic knowledge and writing skills, and in Maths they have been assessing our counting and number recognition skills, as well as composition of numbers to 5.    Next week we look forward to a special assembly from CRIBS, our Christmas lunch (where we can wear our Christmas jumpers), and our Christmas Party on Wednesday.  Well done to Messiah for winning the Problem Solver Trophy in assembly yes Below are some comments from the children about their learning this week:


Bela - 'We are learning about Baby Jesus, and I liked practising the show'

Messiah - 'We did number work - I know how to make number 4, it's 2 and 2!'

Amira - 'I enjoyed making a Christmas Tree'

Dom -'I did some super writing about the birth of Baby Jesus'

Ben - 'Baby Jesus was born in a stable and he slept in a manger'

6.12.24 - Weekly Round-Up!

This week Class R have been learning more about Christmas. We have put up our Christmas tree and have been busy making Christmas decorations.  We have begun retelling and writing about the Nativity and have made Christmas cards.  We have spent a lot of time practising for our Christmas Production, and are getting better at remembering our lines yes  In Maths we have been exploring the composition of numbers to 5, and in Literacy we have been reading captions for comprehension. We have also enjoyed role-play in 'Santa's Workshop' this week and learnt how to wrap up presents smiley 


Next week we will post our letters to Santa and continue with our Christmas activities. Below are some comments from the children about their learning this week:


Esther - 'We are learning about baby Jesus'

Anastasia - 'I made paperchains with repeating patterns on them'  

Yulian - 'There is a star in the story of Baby Jesus'

Amira - 'I made snowmen with my friends'

Laura - 'I was Santa - I wore Santa's hat and I had a big Santa sack on my back!'

29.11.24 - Weekly Round-Up!

This week Class R started their Christmas activities.  We began by learning about Father Christmas/Santa Claus and why it is important to write a letter to Santa so he knows what you would like for Christmas.  We then used our phonic knowledge to write our own letter to Santa.  Next week we will walk to the Post Box to post our letter to Santa at the North Pole.  We have also been making lots of Christmas decorations,  learning about why Christians celebrate Christmas, and all about the 'The Nativity' story. Well done to Bela for winning the Achievement Cup this week smiley


Next week we will be writing about the Nativity using our phonic knowledge, and continuing to practise for our Christmas Production. Below are some comments from the children about their learning this week:


Tammy - 'I ordered numbers 1 - 10 and can now do 11 - 20!'

Yulian - 'I enjoyed writing my letter to Santa'

Anastasia - 'I liked learning all our Christmas songs'

Bela - 'I wrote a letter to Santa - I want a cat'

Messiah - 'I liked making my snowman - he has got a big hat'

Rita - ' I can write my name now'

22.11.24 - Weekly Round-Up!

This week Class R have been learning about 'Road Safety'.  We have learnt about safe places to cross the road, and how it is important to hold an adults hand. We have been creating our own Road Safety signs and practising our Road Safety through role-play. In Literacy we have continued exploring the stories of Percy the Park Keeper and have written words and captions about the story using our phonic knowledge.   In Maths we have been exploring the concept of 'one more and one less' and have been practising this using number songs, objects, counters and number cards.  


On Thursday the whole school celebrated the creation of the new 'Glimpsing Green Play Space', which we helped 'Peabody' to design.  Over the last year Northwood pupils were asked to design 'Totem Poles' to go up next to the play equipment, and we were asked to choose which equipment we would like in the park. It was great to see the finished design and know we had been a part of it's creation.  After this event, with the help of staff from Peabody, each class was also able to begin planting in Northwood's Wellbeing and Growing Garden.  A big thank you goes out to Peabody who provided all the plants and extra soil.  The Northwood 'Gardening Club' will now look after the area regularly and do some more planting the Spring. 


Well done to Rita for winning the 'Writer of the Week' award in Assembly, and to Ben and Dom for winning the Achievement Cup yes  Next week we will begin learning about the Christian festival of 'Christmas'.  Below are some comments from the children about their learning this week:


Brody - 'We are learning about 1 more and 1 less - I know less is taking away'

Tammy - 'I enjoyed doing one more and one less - you start with a number in the middle and then work it out, so if 5 is in the middle then it's this: '4,5,6'.

Amira - I know how to cross the road safely - you have to wait for the cars to stop and then you can go'

Meryem - 'At the traffic light, red is stop and green is go'

Ben - 'The black and white on the road is a zebra crossing'

Laura - 'You have to stop and look and listen'

Messiah - 'I really enjoyed doing the planting'


15.11.24 - Weekly Round-Up!

This week began with learning about and commemorating 'Remembrance Day', where we had a special assembly in the hall and then came back to class to make poppies using different media. We then went on to explore the stories of 'Percy the Park Keeper' and used our phonic knowledge to label the animals from the story.  In Art & Design we have been finding out about the sculptor 'Andy Goldsworthy', who creates sculptures using natural materials, and have been outside collecting natural materials to make our own creations using objects such as sticks, leaves, berries, pinecones, and stones (see photos below).  In literacy we have explored the story of 'Leaf Man' who gets blown by the wind and is turned into lots of different objects and animals, and again we have used the leaves we collected to make our own creations.  In Maths we have been consolidating our skills in describing and creating repeating patterns, and are now very good at this smiley  In PE we began our 'Dance' unit by moving our bodies to be different woodland animals and in Computing we used the '2Paint' program to create pictures of animals.  Congratulations to Naila for being awarded the Sports Trophy this week for her excellent dance skills smiley


Next week we will be continuing to explore the stories of Percy the Park Keeper and will be focusing on 'Nocturnal Animals'.  We will also be discussing 'Road Safety' and creating posters of how to keep safe as a pedestrian.  In Maths we will be learning how to work out one more and one less than a number.  Below are some comments from the children about their learning this week:


Anastasia - I enjoyed doing my phonics and can now remember the tricky word 'the'.

Naila - 'We went on the field and picked up leaves, sticks and cones'

Ben - 'I enjoyed making the leaf man with spikey legs, sticks and pine cones'

Amira - 'I made a hedgehog using the autumn leaves'

Tammy - 'I made a badger on the computer and coloured it black and white'

8.11.24- Weekly Round-Up!

Welcome back to the start of Term 2.  This term our topics are 'Light & Dark' & 'Festivals of Light', ending in our Christmas celebrations.  This week we began our topic with a focus on two festivals of light - 'Bonfire Night' (a British celebration)  and 'Diwali' (a Hindu celebration). We have learnt about the story of the 'Gunpowder Plot' and the story of 'Rama & Sita'.  In both celebrations we have focused on creating patterns, especially repeating patterns, with the children getting very good at describing and creating their own patterns. 


In Art & Design we have looked at the artist 'Jackson Pollock', an American painter who created abstract art using the 'drip technique' of pouring or splashing liquid paint onto a canvass.   We have used the same technique to create paintings of fireworks, adding glitter and prints to finish them off.   In Literacy we have been retelling the 'Gunpowder Plot' and have use our phonic knowledge to write about it and fireworks sounds.  In PE we enjoyed using ribbons to pretend to be fireworks, dancing to music from 'The Royal Fireworks Suite' by the composer George Handel.  Next week we will be exploring the stories of 'Percy the Park Keeper', with a focus on 'woodland/nocturnal' animals and 'Autumn'.   We will also explore another artist called 'Andy Goldsworthy'.   Well done to Laura for winning the Achievement Cup this week, and to Brody for being this week's 'Sports Champion' yes  Below are some comments from the children about their learning this week:


Ben - 'We learned about patterns - blue, orange, blue orange, is repeating'

Meryem - 'In P.E we danced with ribbons and we were fireworks!'

Cairo - 'We did patterns on the computer and I was really good at them'

Tammy - 'We learned about Bonfire Night and fireworks'

Esther - 'Guy Fawkes wanted to kill the king - he was King James'

Amira - 'I used shapes to create some patterns'

24.10.24 - Weekly Round-Up!

This was the final week of Term 1 - it has been a great first term for the children, who have made lots of progress in their learning already!  This week we have focused on assessing the children's progress in Phonics, and ensuring all the learning over this term has been embedded.  Thank you to all the parents/carers who took part in our first 'Stay & Learn' session - we hope you all enjoyed supporting your child's learning as we celebrated 'Black History'.   Next Term we will begin with the topics of 'Light & Dark' and 'Bonfire Night'.  Thank you for all your support this term and we hope you enjoy the half-term break.  Below are some comments from the children about their learning this week:


Esther - 'I enjoyed learning about Alma Thomas - she was an Artist and she enjoyed painting'

Naila - 'The Artist Alma - she did little shapes inside the lines of a circle'

Tammy - 'I really enjoyed painting and I want to be an Artist when I grow up'

Amira - 'I used chalks to draw on the ground'  

18.10.24 - Weekly Round-Up!

This week Class R have been exploring the '5 Senses'.  We have learnt that our body is amazing - for example our nose can smell more than 1 trillion different scents! (that's a lot!) and that when your eyes see something the image ends up upside down and your brain has to turn the image back the correct way round!   We have drawn and written about our different senses, and have imagined what it might be like to be deaf or blind by playing games like 'What's in the bag?, where you cannot see the object, you just have to feel it with your fingers.  Well done to Tammy for winning the Achievement Cup this week yes


Next week is the last week of Term 1 - wow, that went so quickly! Our teachers will be spending the week recapping our learning from this term, and seeing how well we have progressed in our Literacy and Maths development.   On Tuesday we will be having our first 'Stay & Learn' session, when we will celebrate 'Black History Month' - we hope you are able to come to this session.  Below are some comments from the children about their learning this week:


Anastasia - 'I can write my name now!'

Amira - 'I enjoyed reading with Oliver'

Ben- 'I learnt about the 5 senses - smell, taste, touch, see, hear'

Messiah - 'I enjoyed counting up to 20'

Bela - 'I enjoyed reading our new books from the library'

Esther - 'When you eat chocolate you are using your 'taste' sense'

11.10.24 - Weekly Round-Up!

This week Class R have been exploring feelings/emotions.  We have discussed when we feel different emotions and looked at how we know what others are feeling and how we can help them if they are sad or worried. Linking to this, on Thursday it was 'Go Yellow' Day focusing on 'Mental Health'.  The whole school dressed in Yellow clothing and focused on what 'Mental Health' meant and activities which can help our mental health.  In Maths this week we have been focusing on counting carefully and ordering numbers to 10 & 20 - we are getting much better at counting in order.   In Literacy we have been making CVC words to match pictures and continuing to practise writing our name and other letters.  


On Wednesday we celebrated 'Harvest Festival' - a big thank you yesheart to all the parents/carers who donated food for this event - the food will be taken to the local food bank. Next week we will be exploring our '5 Senses'. 

4.10.24 - Weekly Round-Up!

This week Class R have been learning about keeping healthy, with a focus on Healthy and Unhealthy Food.  We have learnt that food which contains too much oil, fat, salt or sugar is unhealthy, such as chocolate, and food which grows natural from the ground is generally healthy, such as fruit and vegetables.   We have been sorting food, and labelling pictures of food using our phonic knowledge, and have created pictures of healthy food.  In Maths, we have been practising to write numerals 0-9, and in Literacy we have been learning new phonemes and practising writing our names using the correct capital and lower case letters.   In Computing we drew pictures of healthy foods using the mouse and are getting much better at this yes  


This week we had our first trip to the library - we walked from school, there and back, noticing the different features around us such as blocks of flats, roundabouts, trees, fields, horses etc.  We enjoyed our library visit, and each chose a new book to bring back to school for the classroom.  Well done to Bela for winning the Sports Trophy this week for her excellent work in P.E. smiley  Next week we will be exploring different feelings/ and emotions. Below are some comments from the children about their learning: 


Amira - 'We are learning about healthy food - apples, pears, broccoli are all good food, they make you healthy and strong'

Cairo -'I learnt some new letters in my phonics'

Meryem - 'I tried hard to write my name and I liked the P.E lesson'

Ben - 'I loved going to the library and I got a new book'

Esther - 'You can use potatoes to make crisps'


27.9.24 - Weekly Round-Up!

This week Class R have been discussing and ordering their daily routine, and looking at on-line maps of our local area, and our journey to school.  In Maths we have also been looking at telling o'clock times using an analogue clock - we have created our own clocks, and have been matching/labelling clock faces with the correct time.  In P.E we are getting better at getting changed independently and enjoyed following instructions to move around the hall with a partner.  In Literacy we have been learning new phonemes in Phonics and can now create and sound simple CVC words. Well done to Brody and Amira for winning the Achievement Cup in Assembly, and to Esther and Tammy for being chosen as 'Writers of the Week'.


Next week we will be exploring 'Keeping Healthy', especially healthy foods, and on Wednesday we will walk to the library for the first time to borrow some new books - this will also link to our Geography Unit of exploring our local area. Below are some comments from the children about their learning:


Cairo - 'I have enjoyed learning numbers on the clock this week'

Ben - 'I learnt some new phonics sounds'

Gabriel - 'I enjoyed learning my phonics and the new sounds'

Brody -' Now I can tell the time - it is 11 o'clock!'

Amira - 'I get up, get dressed, then I come to school in the car'

20.9.24 - Weekly Round-Up!

This week Class R have been talking about our homes and exploring different types of homes.  We have used 2D shapes to produce pictures of our home, and 3D shapes to create models.  We have also been learning the names of shapes and how to describe them using mathematical language such as sides, edges and corners.   In PE this week we have been learning to follow instructions and move safely in different directions around the hall.  In Computing we looked at the different parts of a computer, such as the mouse and keyboard, and began to learn how to type our log-in details. Next week we will start to control the mouse to draw lines, shapes and pictures.   We also began our Phonics sessions this week, and have already learnt the graphemes (letter shapes) and phonemes (sounds) for s, a, t, and p.   We started learning Spanish too and know that 'hello' in Spanish in 'hola'. In Achievement Assembly,  Tammy won the 'Sports' Award for great P.E., and Brody and Ben won the KS1 Achievement Cup! yes


Next week we will be talking about our daily routine, using time language such as first, next, when, and then. Below are some comments from the children about their learning this week:


Brody - 'I made a house with shapes'

Esther - 'I liked sticking the shapes and making my house - I also made a long slide using a triangle!

Tammy - 'I liked singing the 'Build a House song'

Messiah - 'I took Boofle home - he slept on my mum's bed'

Cairo - 'I learnt about shapes - a circle has no corners'

Dom - 'I liked doing my phonics - I know the sound of s, a and t!

Gabriel - 'We did Spanish - hello is 'hola' '


13.9.24 - Weekly Round-Up!

This week we have been exploring our appearance and talking about our family. We have looked closely at our features and realised we all have the same body parts but that our bodies are all different colours, shapes and sizes, so we are unique too!  We created self-portraits by looking carefully in the mirror and chose the correct colour paint/pencils for our skin, hair and eyes. Through our discussions we have also found out that we all have different families, so that makes our family unique too!


Our teachers have also been busy finding out about what we know in Literacy and Maths and if we can do skills like write our name and recognise numerals.  Next week we will start learning phonics, so that by the end of Reception we can read and write many words and sentences independently yes


Next week we will be talking about our home and using 2D and 3D shapes to create pictures and models. Below are some comments from the children about their learning this week:


Yulian - 'I played cars with my friend Gabriel'

Tammy - 'I made a happy face with the playdough'

Isabela - 'I did some counting with my teacher'

Brody - 'I read a book - it was about a bear'

Anastasia - 'I played with my new friends'

Naila - 'I made a face with the playdough'

Esther - I painted a picture of my face - I have brown skin and black hair'

6.9.24 - Weekly Round-Up!

A big welcome to all the new children and families into Northwood and Class R! This is our class web page and it will be updated every week with all the activities and learning we have been doing, including photos.  The children have settled really well into school and we have been getting to know them and their abilities.  Our topic this term is 'Ourselves' and we will begin next week with talking about our appearance and what we like to do. A reminder that P.E is every Thursday, starting next week, so please ensure they have their P.E kit in school  - thank you.  We look forward to an enjoyable term. 


Below are some comments from the children about their first week in Class R:


Tammy - 'I liked playing with all the toys'

Naila - 'I liked the zoo animals'

Isabela - 'I love coming to school and I played outside!'

Brody - 'I like Northwood school and playing with the animals'

Dom - ' I like school and I played games with my brother and my friends'

Messiah - 'I wrote some letters and did drawing - I drew a dinosaur and a mouse'

Esther - 'I loved playing with my new friends!'

Laura - 'I played with dolls in the dolls house'

Gabriel - 'I played with the sand'

Yulian - 'I played with my friends in the role-play'

Cairo - ' I loved looking at books and listening to a story'

Meryem - 'I enjoyed making things with blocks and magnets'

Ben - 'I loved the train track'



