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Year 3

Our final Friday round-up in Year 3!


It has been an amazing year and I am overwhelmed by the determination and resilience of the children this year. So many children have made so much progress.

We have covered many topics that the children have been completely engaged in and have taken their learning home, often bringing in extra work. We have had a record amount of children continuing their learning at home!!!

Here's what the children had to say about their time in Year 3;


Zinach - I learned my seven times tables.

Daniel - I enjoyed learning about Roman numerals.

Damilare - We got to go to Hall Place.

Austine-Junior - I really liked writing a playscript about Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Rosie - I liked doing maths.

Samuel - I learned to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the glockenspiels.

Lola - I enjoyed learning about fractions.

Ilaria - I liked when i learned my 8 times tables.

TJ - I like when we did Master of Spellings.

Oliver - I enjoyed english this year.

Osinachi - I liked it when I was still proud of myself for my spellings in Master of Spellings even when i didn't win.

Pixie - I like maths.

Kelsie - I loved learning about the Stone Age.

Maria - I loved being in Year 3 because in science, we grew and measured sunflowers.

Emma - I enjoyed english because we wrote our own story.

Lewis - I enjoyed Year 3 because we got to plant flowers and radishes.

Godwin - I won Spelling Bee!!!

Angel - I loved Year 3 because we had Stone Age day and i loved all of our topics.

Isinmiayo - I enjoyed when we did drama and acted out Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Janessa - I loved it when we did fractions.

Timi - I enjoyed going on the school trips.

Albie - I like that i was allowed to bring in all my artefacts from home to show everyone.

Meadow - I like when we did fractions.

Albert - I enjoyed learning column method adding and subtracting.


Our Master of Tables class champs

Our Master of Spellings class champs

Look at how well our sunflowers are growing!

Representing numbers using counters

Friday Round-up 5th July 2024


This week we have been very busy. The children have studied maths, english, R.E, Art and participated in drama. Here's what they had to say;


Rosie - In Art, if we wanted it to be darker we had to press harder.


Angel - I liked when we were doing P.E - we ran an obstacle course and got to use the parachute.


Samuel - I liked acting out Goldilocks and the Three Bears. I was baby bear.


Godwin - I liked using the parachute. The best bit was when Mrs Kiddell called two names and they had to go under the parachute and swap places before the parachute fell.


Han - In maths we learned about fractions. I know that 1/10 is smaller than 6/10 because we need to look at the numerator  and find the smallest one, if the denominator is the same.


Janessa - in English we were working on a play script. I liked being the narrator because I told the story.

Congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% in their weekly spellings:

















Problem Solver of the Week

Achiever of the Week

Still Life Sketching

Self Portraits

We went outside to work on our play scripts.

Friday Round-up 28th June


This week we have been learning all about our muscles and skeletons. The children have enjoyed learning the names of different bones and muscles and the jobs they do.


Samuel - In Spanish, gato is cat and torro is a bull.


Zinach - In maths we were putting data into a bar graph. 


Lewis - I know that the femur is the biggest bone in our body.


Janessa - when our bicep relaxes, our tricep contracts.


Timi - In English, I learned to write a play about Goldilocks.


AJ - Our muscles are attached to our bones by tendons.

Congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% in their weekly spellings:















Achiever of the Week.

Problem Solver of the Week

Congratulations to Yellow team for getting the most golden tokens, this week.

Collecting data for maths - measuring and comparing.

Friday Round-up 21st June 2024

This week we have been testing for most of the time. We did manage to fit in Sport's Day and ice poles to celebrate the end of testing!


Daniel - I was really happy to compete in Sport's Day. I came first in the obstacle race and the running race and third in the egg and spoon race.


Kelsie - I was really scared to do Sport's Day but, Miss Lynn encouraged me to do it and I came first in the obstacle race and third in the running race!


Janessa - I enjoyed visiting the governors because they asked questions about our progress and they asked about football.


Oliver - I really enjoyed testing because I got 33 in my reading, 28 in my writing and 22 in my maths! I am really happy because my parents said well done and I got to see my friends and cousins as a treat.


Godwin - We got to write our very own story and then edit our work. It means that we improve our work.

Congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% in their weekly spelling test:















A special well done to all of the children for their efforts in our tests this week!

Master of Tables success;
















Master of Spellings success;


3/4 Gold:




3/4 Bronze:



Friday Round-up 14th June


This week we have been adding and subtracting money, writing playscripts, looking at the skeletons of animals including humans and still amnanged to fit in a visit to the library. Here's what the children had to say about their learning;


Osinachi - The adult human body has 206 bones and a baby's body has 300. When you are a baby, as you get older, 2 bones fuse together. When you are a baby your bones are more flexible and when you are old, your bones get weaker.


TJ - The cranium is the bone that protects your brain, the gluteus maximus is the biggest muscle, it is our bottom.


Isinmiayo - If you never had a cranium and you banged your head, you would get brain damage because the cranium protects the brain.

Congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% in their weekly spelling test:




















Scientist of the Week

Writer of the Week

Lewis has made his own Stone Age tool!

Friday Round-up 7th June 2024


It was a short but very enjoyable week. The children thoroughly enjoyed our Stone Age Day yesterday and it was so lovely to see so many children participating, whether they dressed up or made a model or artifact. 


Emma - I wish that every day could be Stone Age Day because it was so much fun, especially hitting the target (animal) with the beanbag (rock).


Xinyi - I now know that animals and humans need water, food and air to survive.


Janessa - We must have a balanced diet. We need fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates, dairy products and protein.


Osinachi - In maths, I learned that we can make the same amount of money using different coins.


TJ - I learned how to throw a spear.


Ilaria - to make 10p you can use; 5p + 5p or 2p + 2p+2p+2p+2p





Congratulations to the following children for achieving the following in Master of spellings;


KS1 bronze



KS1 silver






KS1 gold



3/4 bronze



3/4 silver




3/4 gold


Our scientist of the week

Throwing spears!

Learning to throw 'rocks' at our prey.

Making the same amount of money using different coin values.

Welcome to our final half term of the year :(

We still have so much learning to do!;


Science - Animals including humans

English - poetry and playscripts

Art and Design - portraits and shading

Computing - Twine

P.E - Multisports

DT - Pop up mechanical boxes

and much more.

Can you guess the song that the children are singing?

Still image for this video

Xinyi showing us just how amazing she is!!!

Still image for this video

Friday round-up 17.05.2024


We have had a very productive week. Lots of new learning and harvesting our radishes!


Here's what the children had to say;


TJ - Stories must have a beginning, middle and an end.


Emma - At the beginning of a story, you should introduce the characters and the setting.


Rosie - In maths, when we do division, we can use the bus stop method.


Isinmiayo - In DT we looked at some examples of designs for making rolls and then we drew the one we want to make.


Godwin - I can sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in spanish.

Congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% in their spellings:










Austine Junior





Today we were looking at similarities and differences between people. Here are some of the examples that the children came up with;



We, as Year3, all attend Northwood

We all have homes

We all have rights

We are all mammals



Skin colour/race

Originate from different countries

Our religions and beliefs

The type of homes we live in

Our talents

Early steps to dividing an amount equally.

We have a very talented bunch in Year 3!!!

Fayee with her football medals.

More proud moments - Pixie with her judo medal.

Meadow is very proud of her cheerleading medal. We are also very proud of her!

Friday Round-up 10th May 2024


This week we were very excited to harvest our radishes! Unfortunately, the wild animals have not been kind to our sunflowers or cucumbers. 

We have been learning about Stonehenge and concentrating on our times tables, including reasoning.


Here's what the children had to say;


Emma - At the beginning of a story we introduce the characters and setting, in the middle of a story we need a problem and at the end it all turns around and ends well.


Ilaria - Stonehenge has 38 stones.


Janessa - In maths we did our 3 and 4 times tables. I know that 4x2=8 and 2x4=8. When we do our times tables we get the same answer if we use the same numbers.


Albert - Stonehenge took 1,000 years to build.


Osinachi - In Stonehenge, we learned that Stonehenge has 38 blocks. It was built 5,000 years ago and it took 1,000 years to build it.


Fayee - I learnt how to do the bus stop method, like 12 divided by 2 equals 6. You can only do this with dividing.


Achiever of the Week

We finally got to harvest our radishes.

Researching Stonehenge

Constructing our very own Stonehenge

We have been looking at right angles in turns, clockwise and anticlockwise.

Morning shadows.

Friday round-up 26th April 2024


The children have very engaged in our science topic this term. They are also learnung the skills to team games such as rounders.

Here's what they had to say about this week's learning;


Emma - On Saint George's Day we learned how Saint George became a saint. The story is about a knight who saved a village from a horrible dragon, in a nearby lake.


Godwin - In Spanish, we learned about more sea animals. a dolphin is el delphin.


Timi - In Science we learned about light and shadow. If the light source is closer, the shadow gets bigger. If the light source is far away, the shadow gets smaller.


Isinmiayo - In P.E we learned overarm throwing and it was really fun. We need to throw overarm when throwing long distances.

Experimenting with shadows

Playing the glockenspiel

St George's Day

Our seeds have now germinated!!!

Weekly Round-up 19.04.2024


Welcome back to a new term. This term we will be learning about shape, light, Iron Age and much more.


Here's what the children had to say about their learning this week;


Emma - in science this week, we have been learning about light. I learned that light travels in a straight line.


Albert - in P.E. we have been learning how to play rounders. We have been throwing underarm for bowling.


Albie - in Spanish I have learned that el pez is fish.


Austine Junior - in English we learnt about designing a menu. I know that you start with the starters something small under £10 and then the main meal, something big that is under £20. Then you do dessert menu for under £10. Don't forget to give Iron Man a discount because he saved the world.


Janessa - I now know that a triangular prism has 5 faces.

Congratulations to the following children;


KS1 Silver in MOS







KS1 Gold in MOS



3/4 Bronze in MOS




3/4 Silver in MOS


Achievement of the week.

Writer of the week.

We have been looking at how light travels and which materials reflect light.

I can't believe how quickly this term has gone. It's quite frightening to think that the children only have one more term in year 3!


We hope you all have a safe and happy Easter and look forward to seeing you all for the first half of the summer term.

Golden ticket winners are....... .............Green team!!!

King and Queen of MOT

Friday Round-up 22nd March

This week we have exhausted ourselves with all of our new learning. Our planters are now full of seeds and we have been learning about volcanoes.


Esmae - onomatopoeia words are sound words like ding.


Godwin - we use inverted commas for the words that are spoken.


Zinach - in hockey, if you want someone to pass the ball to you, you have to be in a good space.


Janessa - in science we learned how water travels around the plant - when it rains the roots collect the water and it goes through stem to the flowerhead. The xylem is like a straw.


Austine - in geography we labelled a volcano. Did you know that a volcano has a throat?

Congratulations to the  following children for achieving 100% in their weekly spellings:













Writer of the week

Scientist of the week.

We are the greenest class in the school!!!!

We have now planted our seeds

Hockey - working in pairs, trying to keep the ball.

Friday Round-up 15th March


We have had a very busy week this week- amongst other things we had a trip to the library, stay and learn and a visit to Hall Place. Here's what the children had to say;


Han - I liked going to Hall Place and seeing all of the different types of flowers.


Timi - I liked going to the library, seeing all the books.


Austine-Junior - I enjoyed using different coins to make the same amount of money.


Isinmiayo - I am proud that I got 10 out of 10 in my spellings!


Kelsie - In English we were being Hogarth and had to write a letter to apologise to Iron Man.

Making the same price, using different coins.

Here are some of the amazing limericks that were written during Stay and Learn. You are a very talented bunch!!


I am going to have a new sister

She definitely isn't a mister

I can't wait to see

If she looks like me

And meet my new skin and blister


A boy ate a big chocolate cake

But that was a big mistake

He went for a swim 

But was no longer slim

So then he sank in the lake


Meadow and Oliver went to sea

And Olive needed a pee

The sea was rough

Oliver found this tough

Then Meadow got attacked by a bee

Thank you so much to all the adults that came to Stay and Learn. A record turnout!!!

This week we have been assessing the children. We did fit in time for some glockenspiels and Science. We were looking at the needs of various plants.


Here's what the children said;


Zinach - Cacti live in the desert and when it rains, they store the water in the trunk. So when it is dry, they use the water they have stored.


Esmae - Aquatic plants are plants that grow in water, like seaweed. Aquatic plants can also grow in fish tanks. There are three types of aquatic plant - emerged, submerged and floating.


Daniel - Cacti are the main desert plant you will see. Some cacti grow flowers and fruits. A cactus normally stores water in the trunk and the stem. This is because the trunk is very thick. Storing water in the desert is hard because it is arid. (hardly rains)


Friday Round-up 01.03.2024


The children have had a busy week this week, starting new topics and learning new skills. Here's what they had to say;


Daniel - Hola, mi llamo Daniel. tengo siete anos.

Damilare - I liked P.E. because we were doing hockey. I tried dribbling but accidently went too fast and lost control.


Albert - We have been learning about the layers of Earth. There are 4 layers; the crust, the mantle, the inner core and the outer core.


Oliver - The mantle is the biggest layer and is made up of molten rock.


Isinmiayo - In English we wrote a reflection. A reflection is when you write from the point of view of a character.


Rosie - we have been adding fractions. 2 halves is a whole.




Learning to dribble in hockey

Friday round-up 23rd Feb 2024

This week we started our new topics in both science and geography. In science we will be studying plants and in geography we are looking at vocanoes and earthquakes.


Here's what the children had to say about their learning this week;


Emma: in geography, I learned that there are 4 layers that make up Earth - crust, mantle, outer core and inner core. The mantle is the largest layer of the Earth, it is 1,800 miles thick!


Esmae: In English we have all been learning about Iron Man. He went out at night and fell off a cliff.


Albert: We have been learning about plants and labelling them. The roots are important because they suck up all the water and minerals from the soil.


Lawrence: In maths we learned about fractions. If the numerator is one and the denominator is two, that is half.


Isinmiayo: In computing I learned how to use I know how to use the in fill button and drew the England flag.


Fayee: I am learning to play Fur Elise by Beethoven on the glockenspiel. I learned the next part this week.

Congratulations to Emma and Godwin who both achieved their bronze in year 3/4 spellings.

Welcome back to the second half of our spring term. We have lots of new learning happening this term, including a class trip to Hall Place, growing our own fruit and learning to play hockey.

Thank you to all the parents that joined us today. We hope you enjoyed our activities and we look forward to seeing you next time.

Stay and Learn - Internet Safety Day

This week we were lucky enough to pay a visit to the library. The children chose some great books to bring back to school.


Rosie - I know that there are 100 centimetres in a metre and 1000 grams in a kilo gram.


Kelsie - Stone Age people lived near rivers so they could drink water and water their crops.


Godwin - We learned about the features of instructions. There is a title, list of ingredients, sub-headings and steps to follow.


Esmae - In Scratch we were learning how to make our sprite move.


Samuel - We learned to balance with a partner. My partner was Godwin.


Isinmiayo - When we went to the library I chose the book Saka. It is about an Arsenal player.

Writer of the Week

Scientist of the Week

Congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% in their spellings:












Blue House Winners!!

Our visit to the library with a stop off at the park!

Capacity and volume

Learning to put someone in the recovery position.

Balancing with a partner.

Friday round-up 26th January 2024


Another busy week completed. The children have been measuring, comparing and ordering length and height. We found out that Osinachi is the tallest person in the class and Esmae is the shortest. We also wrote our own poems in the style of Edward Lear's The Owl and the Pussycat.


TJ - I have learned to do the column method when adding and taking away.


Maria - I now know that there is 100 centimetres in 1 metre.


Lawrence - there are different layers of soil - top soil, parent soil and bedrock


Timi - I wrote a poem about the cat and the elephant. (in the style of The Owl and the Pussycat)


Pixie's poem:

The cat and the crocodile went to Spain

in a beautiful hot-red plane,

they took some cheddars and plenty of ketchup

wrapped up in some silver foil,

the cat looked down to the grass below

and meowed to a small violin,

O lovely croc, O croc my love,

what a beautiful croc you are,

you are,

you are,

what a beautiful croc you are.

Achievement of the week.

Scientist of the Week

Achievement of the Week

Measuring, comparing and ordering our heights

Friday round-up 19.01.2024


This week we have been studying and writing in the style of The Owl and The Pussycat by Edward Lear. Here's what the children had to say;


Esmae - I liked the bit where it said "wrapped up in a five-pound note" I changed it to wrapped up in a one-pound note.


Albert - I changed the owl and the pussycat to the bat and the crocodile. We had to think about it having the same number of syllables.


Rosie - I learned how to add with the column method. We start with the ones column.


Janessa - We did article 22, it's about refugees to have to flee to another country because there might be war or earthquakes.


This week we smashed our record for the number of children who achieved 100% in their spellings. Congratulations to the following children:





















I would also like to say well done to the children who scored 80 or 90%.




Risk, danger or hazard? The children have been categorising different situations. This lead to some very good team work and in depth conversations.

Friday round-up 12.01.2024

 What a great start to the year! It took a while for the children to get back into learning mode but when they did, they were all raring to go! Here's what they had to say about their learning;


Timi : I learned a dictionary goes in alphabet order.


Oliver: I learned that we use coal on bbqs and fires. Coal is a rock.


Daniel: Diamonds are the strongest rocks!


Kelsie: Chalk is a soft rock because we can draw with it.

Finding number bonds to 20.

Dictionary skills

Congratulations to the following children;


Albie, Pixie, Samuel Timi and TJ for passing their KS1 bronze spellings.

Kelsie, Janessa and Godwin for passing their KS1 gold spellings.

Daniel for passing his 3/4 gold spellings.


Well done to you all and keep up the good work!


Goodbye term 2, hello term 3. How quickly time flies!

We hope that you all had a lovely Christmas break and are ready to tackle the spring term!

Our topics for this term are:

Science - continuing rocks and soils

History - the Neolithic Era

Music - listening to and describing pieces of music including reggae, Beethoven and Puccini.

Friday round-up 15.12.2023

It has been an eventful week this week, the children have really enjoyed themselves.


Albert - We made our own poem about the twelve days of Christmas.


Rosie - I got 6 of my spellings right.


Daniel - symmetry is when you divide something in two and the halves must be the same.


Austine - I liked singing in front if the parents.


Emma - I enjoyed wearing black and white clothes so that we could raise money for the Ellenor Hospice, (remembering Miss Richardson)


Godwin - I liked the CRIBS performance because it tells us the story of how Christ was born.

Congratulations to the following children:


KS1 silver passes









KS1 gold passes



3/4 silver passes


FRIDAY ROUND - UP  08.12.2023


This week has been a busy week! We have been learning some new songs for our Christmas sing - a - long and continuing with our learning. Here's what the children had to say;


TJ: I learnt how to cross the road. Stop, look, listen and think.


Lewis: In Maths we learned about the properties of shapes. I will give you an example: A triangle has 3 vertices, 3 sides and a line of symmetry.


Osinachi: cien is spanish for 100.


Han: In science we learned about amber and resin fossilisation. Amber and resin attracts insects because of the sweet smell and the animal gets stuck because it is very sticky.


Fayee: I learned that amber comes from a tree. I also know that amber is resin.


Daniel: I know that the property of a square is that it has 4 sides, four vertices and every side is equal in length.

Congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% in their spellings:










Road Safety Posters

Friday Round-up 1st December  (It is officially the Christmas month!!!!)


This week we have been learning about fossilisation and Tanka poems, among other things. Here's what the children had to say about their learning;


Austine - I learned that there are 31 syllables in a Tanka poem.


Eva - I learned that in the four times tables, you just add four more each time.


Isinmiayo - Did you know fossils are about 10,000 years old?


Zinach - I liked Tanka poems because you count the syllables by talking like a robot.


Pixie - Villages are much smaller than cities.


Janessa - I learned about Tanka poems. A Tanka poem has 31 syllables. Line 1 has 5, line 2 has 7, line 3 has 5, line 4 has 7 and line 5 has 7. Also Tanka poems tell us a story.


Godwin - In maths we learned about column multiplication like 12 x 2. First I do 2 x 2 which will give me 4. Then I do 1 x 2 which gives me 2. the answer is 24.


Timi - The villages are very small, they have one shop. In the city they have big buildings and in a town they might have 20 shops.


Problem solver of the week.

Year 3 Class photo

Just a gentle reminder that ALL children should be completing their homework, on a weekly basis. Please ensure that your child is doing so.

The importance of completing homework.


Homework serves to help our students practice and consolidate the knowledge learnt in the classroom. Homework also serves to foster independence and develop skills and attitudes our students need to be successful individuals.

A copy of this years spellings.

Below are links to support your learning of the times tables.

Friday Round-up 24th November


This week we have been testing and some of the children have made some good progress. We have also been making our own Christmas baubles for our Christmas hoops. 



Congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% within their spellings:










Our Problem Solver of the Week

Our Achiever of the Week

In PE this week, we have been looking at dance,. We then started to work together as a team to create our own piece.

Another successful Stay and Learn. Thank you to all the parents who joined us.

Friday Round-up 17th November 2023


This week we have been investigating and grouping different rock types by their appearance. We also worked on our 3 and 4 times tables, which some of us are very good at! We have planned our own story on the journey of a pebble - continuing on from last week.


Lola - was very good at counting in 2's, 3's and 4's


Zinach - I done really well in my spellings this week.


Albert - igneous rock is formed when a volcano erupts and the lava is cooled down by the rain, snow and ice.


Fayee - I learned that there are three different types of rocks - igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.


Daniel - I got 10 out of 10 in my spellings

Rock Clarification

Problem Solver of the Week

Green Class of the Week

Friday Round-up 10th November 2023


We have had another busy week in Year 3. We have started reading the book called ' A Pebble in My Pocket', to support our Science topic of rocks and stones. We took another visit to the library and we are learning about dance and movement in P.E.

Here's what the children had to say;


Damilare; I enjoyed going to the library. We got to see some cool books.


Fayee: I enjoyed P.E. because I love dancing! We listened to the music and moved to the beat.


Han: In English we read Pebble in My Pocket and then we retold the story.



Congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% in their weekly spellings:











Scientist of the week goes to ......

Well done parents and carers, our class had the highest attendance this week!!

Matching and naming cities in the UK

Our Visit to The Library

Friday round-up 3rd Nov 2023


It is the start of a new term, so we have lots of new topics to learn about.

This term our topics will be covering Geography and Science.

We would like to welcome Esmae and Eva who have joined our class this week.


Esmae - in column addition we always start with the ones column.


Eva - The class is fun.


Zinach - I am proud that I passed my silver and gold in spellings.


Meadow - We listened to the book 'A Pebble in My Pocket'

Congratulations to the following children:


Master of Spellings:

KS1 bronze Esmae, Eva, Maria and Oliver

KS1 silver Emma and Zinach

KS1 gold Damilare and Zinach

3/4 bronze Austine, Damilare and Daniel


Progress Cup winner!!!

Friday Round-up 13th October 2023


This week we have been learning the inverse of an operation, writing poetry, attracting and repelling, creating a Powerpoint and recreating cave paintings.


Austine - I've learnt how to use the inverse of subtraction and addition in Maths. Inverse means the opposite operation.


Emma - I've enjoyed learning how to backwash our Stone Age paintings.


Rosie - I know how to write my numbers to twenty. T-e-n is 10.

Congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% in their weekly spellings:










Go Yellow for World Mental Health Day

Friday Round-up 6.10.23

 We started the week with a visit to the library. The children really enjoyed the reading corner and very quickly settled down to read a book. Here's what some of them had to say;


Rosie - We made tally charts and you do four lines down and then a line across. That makes 5.


Han - I know that it is called the Stone Age because they used stone to make tools and they even made jewellery.


Damilare - a tally chart makes it faster and easier to count.


Angel - I liked that we got to bring books back to school, to read.

Congratulations to the children and parents of Year 3 - you had the highest attendance of the week!  Well done, keep up the good work!



Congratulations on 100% achievement in spellings to:










Congratulations to Godwin on passing his Master of Spellings silver!!!


Congratulations to Zinach for passing his MOT silver


Writer of The Week

Backwashing our canvas ready for our cave paintings.

Friday Round-up 29.09.2023


This week we have been writing for different purposes, all about the book titled 'The Stone Age Boy'. We have also been looking at interpreting and presenting data.


Lewis - This week I've learned to write a diary entry. It's when you write about what you did on that day.


Han - We have been learning about the Stone Age boy. In the Stone Age people lived in caves. We live in houses.


Pixie - In the Stone Age they didn't have knives and forks, they ate with their hands.


Kelsie - we learned about how to use a bar chart to answer questions.

Congratulations to the following children for getting 100% in their weekly spellings:






Friday Round-up 22nd September 2023


This week we have been working on: time, The Stone Age, sorting materials into magnetic and non-magnetic, story writing and much more. Here is what the children had to say about their learning.


Daniel - I know that a story needs a beginning, middle and end.


Osinachi - I now know that if it is 10 o'clock, the big hand is at the 12 and the small hand is at the 10.


Lewis - The Stone Age has 3 eras - Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic


Lawrence - We learned about clocks. It is half past 2 if the long hand is on the six and the short hand is in the middle of 2 and 3.

Congratulations to:


Austine and Daniel for achieving their KS1 gold MOS

Fayee, Meadow and Damilare for achieving their KS1 bronze MOS


Angel, Daniel, Godwin, Isinmayo, Janessa and Meadow for achieving 100% in their weekly spellings.


Keep up the good work!!



Questioning each other on their knowledge of AD, BC, BCE, CE and decade.

Friday Round-up

This week we had lots of fun experimenting with magnets, creating story maps and learning how to greet people in Spanish.


Albie - I know that the value of 4 in 347 is 40.


Godwin - In the computer suite, we learned how to transition slides.


Fayee - I learned that the Stone Age lasted for a very long time. There was the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic eras. We put them on a timeline and the Paleolithic lasted the longest.


Pixie - We learned how to create a story map. You can use pictures, you don't need words.



Friday round-up 8th September 2023


The children have very quickly settled back into school life. We have had a busy week and here is what the children had to say about it:


Damilare - We learned about gravity. Gravity pulls things down.


Meadow - We made a story map of fairytales.


Unknown - I learned that push, pull, gravity and friction are forces.



Congratulations to:

Emma, Lawrence, Zinach and Godwin for achieving their KS1 bronze in MOS


Daniel and Austine for achieving their KS1 silver in MOS

Achiever of the Week

Welcome toTerm 1 2023


Welcome back to your new class. Your teachers are Mrs Kiddell, Miss Lynn, Mrs Sharrard and Ms Haran, we are looking forward to working with you all, over the coming year.


We have a very busy term ahead with lots of fun topics and learning to do, including Master of Tables and Master of Spellings.


The expectations are that your child completes their homework every week. This will be set on Mathletics, Reading Eggs and Google classroom for spellings. They also need to learn their times tables!


We believe in encouraging independence, which means that your child will now take responsibility of their home reading. They will now choose their own reading books (within their reading band) and change them as and when they have read them. No more reading record books to complete!


P.E will take place on Monday afternoons so, a gentle reminder about having a full kit and no earrings.


If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to speak to any one of us.


The year three team.

Congratulations to:


Janessa for achieving her bronze MOT

Daniel for achieving his Gold MOT


Angel, Austine, Damilare, Daniel, Fayee, Greatness, Han, Isinmiayo, Janessa, Kelsie and Lewis for achieving their KS1 bronze MOS

Congratulations to Green House.

Ordering Numbers

Self Portraits

