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Northwood Primary School Logo


Primary School

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Regular attendance at school is vital for children to learn as much as they can and achieve their full potential.  At Northwood we expect children to attend school every day and to arrive on time so that they don’t miss out on any of the opportunities open to them.


Our school day starts at 8:45 a.m. when we open the classroom doors for children to come in.  Children must be in class by 8:55  a.m. or they will be marked as late.


School finishes at 3:00 p.m. on Mondays to Thursdays and at 12:15 p.m. on Fridays.


We are very proud that our parents and pupils really value education and understand the importance of children attending school both regularly and punctually.


Our weekly attendance figures are regularly above 95%, and some classes often achieve 100% attendance for the week.  


Below is a summery of attendance for the full year 2023/24. 


Year GroupPercentage Attendance
Year 696.9%

Year 5

Year 495%
Year 396.7%
Year 295.6%
Year 196.2%
Reception Year95.1%


  • In 2023/24 twenty eight Northwood pupils had 100% attendance for the year - a fantastic achievement!


  • Our overall school attendance for the year 2023/24 (4th September 2023 to 19th July 2024) was 95.93%


Please make sure that your child comes to school every and arrives on time.  If your child is absent for any reason please telephone the school office on 020 8310 2722 to let us know why.

Attendance Update


We’re aware that since Covid restrictions were lifted, school attendance has not yet returned to its previous high level.  This is not just a Northwood School or a Bexley Borough issue; it is the case nationally.  


We know that some parents remain cautious about sending children to school if they feel a little under the weather.  We’re keen to support parents with this; a copy of the letter sent to parents in February 2023 is below which we we hope will support you in knowing when it’s okay to send children to school and when they should stay at home.  If you have any questions or would like further support please speak to our school office staff.

For more information please see our Attendance Policy and our Attendance Procedures which can be found on the policies page of our website:
