Parking at Northwood School
We have very limited parking at Northwood so parents are not permitted to drive into school at any time. We ask that you please park in one of the neighbouring streets and walk into school when bringing your child to and from school.
We occasionally have issues with parents parking on the zig zag lines and double parking. Sadly, sometimes people have even parked across our neighbours’ drives.
There have also been occasions when some parents haven't actually parked their car; instead they just pull up in the road to enable children to exit the car.
All of this is witnessed by our children and is completely unacceptable and dangerous.
We appreciate that the vast majority of our parents do park safely and follow the Highway Code, but we still see dangerous parking close to the school. We respectfully ask that you park in a considerate way when visiting the school or bringing / collecting your child.
Thank you for your support for this very important issue.
Visitors to the school during the school day will find that our gates are closed between 8:35 a.m. and 9:10 a.m. and again between 2:35 p.m. and 3:10 p.m. This is to ensure the safety of our children as they walk into and out of school along the school driveway.
We would ask that visitors do not use the school driveway between these times and instead arrange to arrive when the gates are open.
Thank you for your consideration.