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Year 1

10.01.2025 Weekly round up.


Welcome back and happy new year.

Its been a great first week back, we have started a new story for this term which is Snail and the whale. 

Jediah - " we used and in our writing this week it joins words together and clauses."


In science we are learning all about animals! 

Zach " There are 5 animal groups - fish, birds,, amphibians , mammals and reptiles."


Term 3

Christmas Dinner

Weekly round up 20.12.2024


Last week of term has been filled with fun!

We have now completed and performed our nativity , and wow what a performance. Year One was amazing they all sang and said there lines beautifully . We are very proud!


We also enjoyed our Christmas dinner this week and made Christmas party hats to wear. Everyone loved there food and had fun dancing and singing along to Christmas music.

Weekly Round up 6.12.2024


This week for maths we have focussed on place value of numbers up to 50.

Zach " we have made numbers using tens and ones"

Jediah-" 33 is made up of 3 tens and 3 ones."


In geography this week we have been learning about the UK.

Jore - "Each country has a capital city."

Hayden" Northern ireland - Belfast , Scotland - Edinburgh, England- London and Wales is Cardiff."

Eliana- " a capital city is mostly where the king/queen or government are".




Weekly round up 29.11.24


It has been a busy week in year one , we have been doing lots of learning about where we live . 

This week we have learnt about the United Kingdom and what it looks like.

Ousman- " We labelled the 4 countries of the UK".

Chester- " Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England make up the uk".


In maths we have been focusing on the place value of numbers up to 30.

Jediah- " we learnt how to show numbers in different ways ."


Year one are still enjoying writing about Beegu. 

Micah -" We wrote speech bubbles this week for what Beegu was saying."

Carrina." we created lost posters ."

Melody - " we used adjectives in our writing."

PE - narrow movements

Weekly Round up 18.11.2024

 Its been a great couple of weeks in year one . We have all been fully engaged in our maths learning about shapes. We have explored 2D & 3D shapes and talked about their properties.


Princess - " we can name some 3D shapes like a pyramid."

Annalise - " 2D shapes are flat" 

Melody-" you can hold 3D shapes" 

Hayden -" a rectangle has 2 long sides and 2 shorts sides."


In English we have started a new exciting book called Beegu! We have spoken lots this week about the events in the story.

 Jediah - " Beegu is an alien, she looks like a bunny."

Caleb -" Beegu gets lost on earth"

Lulu -" she thought she heard her mumma calling ."

Zach-" she crashed her spaceship."


Next week we will begin focusing on our topic work - Geography in which we will be taking walks around our local area to find out what features we can see and talking about which places are far or near to our school using maps to help us.



Term 2

Weekly Round up 18.10.2024


In year one this week we have continued our work on our story Stickman. We have looked very closely at our story and have been spotting lots of rhyming words.

Chester " we wrote about stickman's feelings."

Jediah "  we wrote our own rhyming couplets they come at the end of the sentence."


In maths this week we have been using + and -.

Eliana " We have been adding and subtracting."

Carrina " to subtract you need to cross them out and take them away."


Our history has been about toys from the past . We have been exploring and getting to know all the toys that were in the Victorian times.

Melody " Old toys are made out of wood."

Caleb " New toys are electronic and made from plastic."

Annalise " a rag doll is a toy that the Victorian's played with"


Amazing work Year 1.


Important notice:




Go yellow day - Mental Health

Using the part part whole model

Weekly round 04.10.2024


Its been a super week in year 1 ! 

We have done lots more activities on our story Stickman.

Emma " this we learnt about what the characters in stickman had said."

Princess " we used capital letters and full stops."


For maths this week we started to look at addition.

Jediah " we have learnt how to write number sentences."

Eliana." we used the part part whole method."


This week we also started our history learning of toys.

Hayden " we had to sort toys that were new and old."

Demi " a spinning top is an old toy."


Weekly Round up 20.09.2024


Another great week of learning , year 1 have been focussing a lot this week on developing their writing skills. 

Eliana " we have been using capital letters."

Jediah " we put full stops at the end of our sentences."


Our maths work this week has been showing numbers in different ways. 

Annalise " we used bears to show a number"

Hayden " we have been writing numbers as words and learning how to spell them ."


This week in science we looked at all of body parts and their functions.


Amazing work Year 1!

Representing numbers up to 20

Weekly Round up 13.09.2024


We have had an amazing week in year 1.

The children have started their activities about our story Stickman.

On Thursday we all went outside to find our very own Stickmen and thought about all the different adventures our stickman could go on.


Carrina." we went outside to get a stickman."

Annalise. " we wrote about what we could see on the front cover of stickman."

Eliana " My stickman could be a mop."


In maths we have been counting forwards and backwards from 20.

Tobi and Nali were our achievers of the week for counting back from 10. 

" 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0"

Emma. " we had to find the missing numbers up to 20"


Well done to all our super learners this week!


Collecting our own stickman!

Weekly Round Up 9.9.24

So here it is our first weekly round up and what a week we have had already!

The Children have already started their Maths learning in exploring numbers within 20.


We have also started our science topic of- Look at me!

The children have all used their excellent art skills this week to create their self portraits and begin to look at their facial features. 


Our Book this term is Stickman!

The children will be doing lots of writing activities around this story. 


A great start from all of our year 1's with their learning this week . 

Well Done !


Welcome children and parents to the 2024/2025 Year 1 page.


Happy September! A new academic year has begun, it’s time to see our lovely class of year ones flourish into fantastic learners! Your teachers (Mrs Bunn and Mrs Dowsett ) are all super excited to welcome you back to school ready for a year of super learning. 


Our learning journey will begin with settling in to our new classroom and new routines. In maths we will begin to look at the place value of numbers within 20. We will also be focusing a lot on using our phonic knowledge to help us write simple phrases and sentences.


Please Keep checking back to our class page to see all the exciting learning the Year 1's get up to throughout the coming weeks.


Reading eggs and Mathletics homework will be set weekly every Friday.

Spellings tests will be on Friday mornings

Our PE day is Tuesday:)


If you have any questions the year one team are always here to talk to and answer any questions you may have :)


The Year One team
