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Week 5.2

Friday Round-up Week 5.2 (26th Apr. '24)

Congratulations to Daniel for winning the Scientist of the Week Award in Achievement Assembly for his enjoyment of our lessons on light and shadows. 


It's been our final week of practice tests so not much to report on. We've spent lots of time experimenting with colour discs and torches in Science and have also taken a 'closer look' at how our eyes work!



Thoughts about our week:

"I really enjoyed learning about the eye. The iris changes the size of the pupil to allow more or less light into the eye." Barbara


"It was fun making the two different types of spinners. The first spinner - the one on the stick - didn't work well and soon stopped spinning. The second one worked better as it could spin much faster." Elizabeth


"I enjoyed Science this week particularly the experiments with the torches." Saffie


"I really liked our Science because of the practicals and written explanations made me understand the topic of Shadows and Light." Richie


"I enjoyed our testing this week. I now feel more confident about the real SATs - only a couple of weeks to go!" Lexi
