Week 2.6
Friday Round-up Week 2:6 (13th Dec '24)
A busy week concluding with lots of the class doing Secondary School banding tests - hope they went well! Speaking of Secondary Schools - we went to Trinity School on Tuesday to see a rehearsal of their performance 'The Wizard Of Oz". It was lovely to see several ex-pupils performing up on the stage and in the orchestra - a real Christmas treat.
Wednesday saw a successful Christmas Sing-Along - thank you for coming, if you did!
In between all this, we've looked at Rube Goldberg machines, solved a Christmas Fraction mystery in Maths and read the story of 'A Christmas Carol' which is reaching a spooky conclusion!
Congratulations to Alba and Obafemi for winning the Master of Tables Competition. I wonder if they'll 'do the double' in the Spelling Bee next week?
Thoughts about our week:
"I really enjoyed making our Rube Goldberg Machine. It was called 'The Movinator' and its purpose was to get a rubber into a pot." Anthony
"This week I've enjoyed DT; making a complicated machine to do something simple for example turning a page, moving something or switching lights off. Ours was too simple to start with so we had to improve it to make it better." Elvira
"We've started our project - it's called the Book Flipper and it flips a page in the book you are reading." King
"I loved hearing Dorothy singing with Glinda in the Wizard of Oz." Lase
"Some parts of The Wizard of Oz were funny like when the scarecrow was trying to walk along the yellow brick road." Ella
"My favourite part of The Wizard of Oz was when the tin man had oil poured on his joints. I enjoyed the yellow brick road song too." Amelie
"I enjoyed our percentages work last week because I used to really struggle with them; now I understand them." Alba
"I enjoyed the Christmas sing-along; it was really fun." Emmanuel