Week 2.3
Friday Round-up Week 2:3 (22nd Nov '24)
Practice tests this week and the good news is that, on the whole, we are improving!!
In History, we filled in forms as if we were signing up for the army. Many young men lied about their health or age to join up - some of us were surprising good at that bit!
On Thursday, we joined the whole school celebrating the creation of the new Glimpsing Green playground and also got involved with planting around the school.
Next week, some of us are doing the Bikeability course and don't forget Monday is a Teacher Training Day.
Thoughts about our week:
"I really enjoyed the Maths tests this week because I feel like I have improved a lot and after going through the test, I realised where I had gone wrong." Fatmata
"I enjoyed the Reasoning tests because I have improved." Terrence
"I enjoyed pasting images into my Twine work. " Imisi